New Melanoma diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hi all

Im looking forward to sharing with this group. I am waiting for my oncologist appointment this Wednesday. Trying to keep a lid on my emotions.

I am age 56 and scared that it’s going to kill me. My mum and aunt both died of cancer before their years. My logical brain tells me that there is treatment but I am struggling to believe it actually works. My life is experience was that you get cancer and then despite everything it kills you in the end! 
sounds really negative and I’m trying to be positive.

I would like to know people experiences of immunotherapy and whether they feel well and how it effects their quality of life.

  • I am 41 and only had my first dose of nine doses of pembro three weeks ago.

    I am absolutely terrified of the side effects and had myself in a terrible state reading the leaflets x 

    you can read my story by clicking on how name. 

    like you I have the same feeling of Terror as soon as the C word is mentioned. X 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Amccl

    Thanks for replying 

    what side effects are you having?

  • I am only three weeks in but so far so good. I am trying not to overthink the side effects ( which is hard as my mind is constantly in over drive ). X