Done surgery

  • 4 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi all

Was diagnosed with Melanoma by a Dermatologist back in January. He removed the lump.

Have now undergone surgery by a Plastic surgeon. He has taken a huge chunk out of my hand. He also removed all the lymph nodes in my right armpit.  Surgery went well but after I came home the drain felll out. All the blood scared there hell out of me. All good now.

Now I may need immunotherapy. Anyone had experience of that?


  • Hi John

    I'm one week away from a years worth of immunotherapy( Nivolumab ), 13 treatments, 4 weekly. I have fatigue and shortness of breath on exertion, relieved immediately when i stop walking. Think i've been lucky, hoping the effects are relieved when i finish next week. Exact same process as lgrgdg90 who's answered below.

  • Pleased they sorted your drain out I know they are a pain and I got mine wrapped around the bed post in hospital. 

    Regarding immunotherapy I have been on it for over two and a half years. I was firstly on ipi and Nivolumab for four treatments then Nivolumab every 4 weeks. I have very few side effects ,slight rash which I was given steroid cream for,and slight joint ache. I feel tired after the treatment and then sometimes 2 days later slightly tired. 

    Sometimes the nurse has trouble putting in the cannula into my hand. I try to keep my hands warm on the journey to hospital. I have to have a blood test 2 days before my appointment and the next day a nurse from the oncology department rings to give me the results and tells me my treatment can go ahead the next day. I have a scan every 3 months and see my consultant two weeks afterwards for the results. 

    I do try to lead as normal a life as I can just resting occasionally when my body tells me to. Ido a lot of walking especially during this year. My consultant said to have a wide variety of food but to keep away from probiotics as they limit gut bacteria and the aim is to have a large variety of bacteria. I also take vit D daily. I hope this helps and I wish you well with your treatment. If you have any problems do not hesitate to ring your oncology department. 

  • "Wrapped around the bed post"  made me laugh. I can believe that. I was told to keep my arm high and the drain bottle low. How can you sleep?

    Melanoma removed from my hand and all lymph nodes gone so this is the final hurdle I hope 

    Thanks for your reply. Really helped.


  • 4 weekly. That sounds tough. No wonder you feel tired. Keep going mate. Let me know how you feel when you finish. 

    Take care.
