Coping with anxiety

  • 2 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with melanoma back in November and in January had a wide local excision on the site on my leg and also biopsy on the lymph glands in my groin. The biopsy showed microscopic disease in the two lymph glands removed. I have been offered further treatment of either systemic immunotherapy or the targeted immunotherapy and this has completely overwhelmed me despite having discussions with my oncologist and Macmillan Nurse - I cannot decide!! I think basically I am very frightened of either option! 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to read that your SLNB has come back positive for melanoma and that you're now having to decide between immunotherapy and targeted therapy. I'm assuming that by targeted immunotherapy you meant targeted therapy but I'm sorry if I've presumed wrongly, it's just that I can't find any information about targeted immunotherapy.

    I haven't had either treatment so don't have any experiences to share with you but I wondered why you were frightened about these options. Is it the thought of the various side effects that bothers you? You need to remember that whilst your clinician has to make you aware of them it doesn't mean that you'll get them all or any of them. Some people sail through whilst others have to stop. Stopping is something that you can always do if you can't tolerate the drugs.

    If you could perhaps share with us what in particular is bothering you then I'm sure people who have experiences with those drugs will be happy to share their experiences with you.


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  • Hi Joycealex, I have had the targeted therapy Dabrafenib back in 2015 before the combination of Dabrafenib and Tramatenib was offered. I have also had immunotherapy Pembrolizumab. I’m imagining that you’ve already made your decision, I couldn’t wait to start treatment, any treatment so I haven’t had the same anxiety as you in that respect. I think which ever you chose you will feel happy with, and dread the thought of moving on to the other if you have to. 

    My own take is that this is adjuvant treatment for one year to aid it not recurring again. You could make the decision on possible side effects but you don’t know how you will react or what side effects you might get. You could ask your drs which they recommend for you and why? You could bring things down to impact on your life! Making a list of what the impact is on daily life eating, time spent on hospital visits, impact on your work ? Are you squeamish about blood tests. There’s always a bright side to look at. When I was on the tablets I used to think thank goodness I’m not having to go into the chemo suite, when I went on to immunotherapy the plus side was that I could eat when I wanted. 

    We know you don’t want to have either, but before adjuvant treatment started a few years ago people hated being on watch and wait to. Sometimes I consider all the bad things, then all the good, and see what you come up with. If you have any questions about the medication your considering ask again on here someone will have experience of it I’m sure and can tell you what it was like for them. 

    I hope you become happy with whichever decision you go for.

    Take care KT