Melanoma in Lymph Nodes

  • 1 reply
  • 55 subscribers

Posting on behalf of my Dad because we are just very anxious waiting for any results.

background story is Dad found a lump in his groin a few weeks ago, biopsy has been done and traces of melanoma were present, he has a CT scan tomorrow and that’s all we know. He had a phone call telling him his biopsy results and they didn’t give any details other than to say a trace has been found.

i of course have been googling and this indicates the melanoma has spread (we have no idea where from as the only symptom is a lump in his groin?)

any one with any similar stories or anything they could share so we know what to expect going forwards

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the melanoma forum.

    How did your dad's scan go? Was he able to ask questions about his diagnosis while at the hospital? If not, then he should have been allocated a cancer nurse specialist (CNS), sometimes referred to as a key worker or Macmillan nurse, and he could give her a call to get more information. If he doesn't have the contact details of his assigned CNS, then he could call his consultant's secretary as she should be able to provide these details.

    I had the 'classic' melanoma found on my skin but didn't have any spread to lymph nodes. However, there are plenty of people in the group who have had melanoma in their lymph nodes. I'm sure they'll pop on soon to tell you about their treatment. There are also people in the group who didn't have any melanoma found on their skin but, like your dad, it was found in lymph nodes or other organs first.


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