Second suspicious mole

  • 3 replies
  • 59 subscribers

  • Hi  

    Yes, I had a second mole removed which my consultant thought might be a melanoma after one of my 3 monthly checkups. Fortunately it wasn't.

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  • That’s good to know, thanks! And I’m pleased for you 

  • Hi S_J, happy to hear your results came back negative! How deep was yours? I had my WLE done recently and I’m waiting on the results. I had a melanoma removed earlier this year followed by another lesion removed a few months later which came back benign. The reason they removed the second one was because it was dark, looked inflamed and because I had already had a melanoma removed so they will remove anything that doesn’t look right. Hopefully it comes back benign too when they remove yours! Have you had it for a while?