lymphedema after sentinel lymph node biopsy

  • 2 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi I had WLE and SLNB in groin on 12th February. Had some swelling in groin after and area is still numb which apparently is all normal but area is still swollen and just above my knee is swollen and has changed colour. It’s like a bruise that hasn’t come out properly. I’ve see consultant who didn’t even acknowledge it, but wondering how long it will last. Also am due to fly on holiday in a couple of weeks time and am just wondering if it’s safe. I intend to contact specialist nurse tomorrow but just wondered if anyone else had experienced this.

  • Hi  

    Sorry nobody picked this up earlier and no direct experience to share because my wife's cancer is quite different. Hope you managed to get some answers from your CNS but if not you might like to try using the Ask a Nurse here or ringing the helpline.

    I did see a page on the main site here that might be helpful 



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  • Hi Steve, thanks so much for coming back to me. The page you referenced was really useful. Got absolutely nowhere with the specialist nurse. She considers it a post op problem so says I should be talking to the nurses at the hospital where I had the surgery and I haven’t been able to get hold of them today, luckily I know that will normally call me back.  All the best to you and your wife and family x