Waiting waiting waiting ...

  • 6 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Waiting for doctor appointments, hospital appointments, scans, scan results, biopsies, biopsy results, surgery. Waiting for the healing of physical and emotional wounds. Waiting for an "all clear". Waiting to see if there is any recurrence. It's just relentless, isn't it?

If anybody needs me, I'm just over here on the sofa waiting for my foot graft to recover, waiting for biopsy results of the removed skin to see if they need to go in again and waiting for appointment with oncologist.

What's everybody else waiting for?

  • I’m waiting for my appointment to the lympodema clinic I went for my 3 months check up aS I had womb cancer last year they as me in clinic if I’ve had appointment for lympodema I said no the referred me januarymy friend told me to phone clinic for cancellation appointment only to be told there no record on the system  so it a case now if you don’t hear you have to chase them up yourself every thing in up in the air doesn’t help our stress levels hope everything does well for you take care it helps to have a good old rant  and thump a cushion to get anger out of you

  • Sounds like my life! It's a horrible world of hospital appointments, procedures,scans, parking or trying to! messages from various NHS trusts and of course the anxious wait for results...which can be inconclusive!

    I'd love to say it gets better but I think you just get used to it.

    I'm waiting for a lymph node biopsy result from my scan....a PET scan date, a MRI date and currently have a operation booked in Friday although been told this maybe cancelled depending on the biopsy results...due the day before.

    Last year I wasn't aware I had cancer and struggle to remember my pre cancer life as it just takes over!

    Hope you and everyone can find the energy and strength to try to enjoy their Saturday!

    Much love and positive thoughts to everyone Heart

  • Oh bless you  . Like you say, the waiting most definitely does not help stress levels. Especially if you are having to chase up with everything. I'm sorry your records got lost in the system - that's a double blow for you. Hope your appointment comes through soon x

  • Ha yes I forgot about waiting to park   Slight smile

    I agree .. there is definitely a pre cancer life. It really can overtake everything if we let it.

    Hoping your biopsy results are clear or at least conclusive, your surgery goes well next week (if it goes ahead) and that your scan dates come through quickly x

    But for today, I hope you are also enjoying this wonderful sunny Saturday Hearts 

  • Thanks...I try to enjoy even the wet days but sunny and clear skies is preferable... especially having done 4 loads of washing!! Life in the fast lane eh?

    Take care 

  • I can see from your profile that you have been in this situation of emotional distress for a long time and feel great sympathy for you now.  You do not say which hospital trust you are treated by but know the waiting situations vary enormously around the UK.  In my own case at Guys Hospital I have been relatively lucky but there are enough delays to understand a fraction of your own distress. Wishing you good things in the future.
