Mole is growing back - do I go back to docs?

  • 2 replies
  • 58 subscribers


I was here a few months ago (consultant told me my mole was melanoma but all turned out to be okay!) - many thanks for all your help, advice and reassurance!

So - I had a large mole removed from my lower back) (c. 1.5cm) a couple of years ago. I had a mole check at a private clinic recently as I have so many!  It appears that my mole is growing back (it’s about 1cm in diameter). The original mole was very raised and very dark. This one is mid brown, not raised and is an oval ish shape. The clinic said to get it checked out but I’m thinking that it was benign 3 years ago then it should be okay now? 

I just feel like I’ve used up my quota of doctors appointments recently. I have a HRT check up next week - is it worth mentioning my recurring mole? It isn’t itching or painful in any way!

many thanks xx

  • Hi Birthday 01. The simple answer to your query is YES most definetely get this checked out . I hope it turns out to be totally innocent and all is well but better to be checked out and know for certain, so please ask to get it checked asap. Please do come back and let us know how you get on.


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  • Thank you, I’ll mention it at my appointment next week xx