Just back from hospital- feeling overwhelmed

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Today I visited hospital following a rapid referral from a large suspicious mole on my lower back. I have always had a mole there i think but only recently discovered it had changed and may have been like that a while, its slightly raised. I asked the doctor outright if she thought in her expert opinion that it was cancer and she replied yes. Due to its position I have to have it removed and skin grafts. It sounds like i have to wait a while for that and then 8 weeks for results. My worry is if Melanoma this could be too long. Just feel shocked and overwhelmed. 

  • Hi there I'm so sorry you are going through this, my experience was similar with a mole on my shoulder earlier this year. I was told the biopsy results may take around 8 weeks and was also worried that time was of the essence, but they came back approximately 4 weeks later. It was melanoma. I've come a long way since then with scans, WLE and LNB and follow up appointments and so far there has been no spread. Sending you positive thoughts that you are as fortunate.  Take care x

    • Thank You Bobbins23. I hope they come back sooner too. Glad to hear you are doing well. I think it's going to take some time for me to get my head around things. Take care x
  • Hi.  It's horrible getting that kind of news just before Christmas and I really resonate with the waiting.  I feel like that's all I've been doing is waiting ... for results .. for surgery dates etc.  Hang on in there it will happen.  I'm 2 days post surgery on WLE & SNLB.  My wait for biopsy results on the initial mole was 5 weeks and now I'm on the wait for the lymph node biopsy but I feel pretty peaceful about that - too busy in recovery from the op right now.

    I hope you don't have too long to wait for removal and you can manage the anxiety over Christmas. x

  • Thank you. It's nice to connect with people who have/ are going through the same thing. Yes, at the moment my anxiety is through the roof. Particularly,  as I have no idea how long that mole has been that way. Its on my very lower back in a place I can't see. Good luck with your recovery. Sending best wishes x

  • Thank you - that's kind.  I totally understand the anxiety. It's hard when you don't know how long something has been there. Ridiculously my mole was in plain sight and although it didn't look great, I've so many I wasn't even going to mention it.  I went in about one on my face that still needs removing but isn't melanoma so I do feel a certain amount of anxiety as I watch it grow and they aren't interested in removing it until this one is sorted. 

    I was lucky in that the consultant right from the get go gave me his guess at the diagnosis (stage 1b) so I've known it likely wasn't anything major. I'm guessing they haven't given you that kind of re-assurance which is hard. Hang on in there. x

  • Hi Lynz, 

    totally relate as my partner noticed a change in a mole on my lower back during my pregnancy, fast forward a few months to a melanoma diagnosis 3 weeks after giving birth. The anxiety just eats away at you whilst waiting, I completely understand what you mean. Sending you positive vibes x

  • I'm sorry to hear that, it must have been awful. I agree, it's consuming my every thought right now. Usually, I'm so excited for Christmas and just feel joyless right now x 

  • Hi lynz I was very sorry to read your news ,firstly you are in the right place for support this site is amazing ,my story started on sep 25th this year like you I have always had lots of moles all over my body , and like you I had a very large mole on my lower back which was approx 2.5 inch by 1.5 inch which turned in about 6-8weeks [thank god for my wife for noticeing ] it went from a healthy mole to coal black slightly raised and hurt when I leaned back on it, I went to the doctor who said he was referring  me to a dematology  consultant  at southlands hospital  shoreham  and I would be seen in 14 days ,anyway 6 weeks later a letter arrived  and got to see specialist on Nov 2nd  who said straight  away it was a large melanoma, he was up front straight away  which shocked me and really hit home ,especially  when he said surgery  to remove it would be in a further 30-40 days ,luckily there was a cancellation  and I had the operation  on Nov 8th  waiting for the results  was the worst for me I got the results on the 15th of December  they got it all as it was sitting in the top layer of skin apparently  there are 3 layers they also took a surrounding 4mm of heathly skin  which came back from pathology cancer free  but due to the depth of the lesion I've to got back under the knife  on January  11th 2024 for a further 6mm of heathly skin all around the lesion site  as government  guidelines states they the surgeon should have taken 10mm all around the wound site  so the scar is going to be a lot bigger , I was in my youth blonde hair blue eyed so a prime candidate  for melanoma  as I've never tanned ,always burned , they have recommended  from now on factor 50 minimum  and vitamin  d supplements  every time I got out of the house now  I really wish you all the best with your journey  ,you will be fine I'm sure  take solace  that your not alone in this  we are all here for you kindest regards clayton. 

  • Thank you Clayton for sharing your story, that really does help and im so sorry you have been through this.. My main concern is not knowing how long its been that way, ive slways had a mole there but becauseof where it is i couldn'tsee it. I'm hoping the surgery happens soon and I know what I'm dealing with. It certainly sounds like our moles were very similar. Same here, I've always had a tendancy to burn, despite being careful. I hope you have a great Christmas and a successful recovery. Thank you so much for sharing  it helps to know you are not alone