Unexpected Scan

  • 2 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi everyone,

My family and I are feeling a lot of anxiety. My mum's stage 4, had her third cycle of Ipi/Nivo a week and a half ago and has had some positive signs, but after her eyes swelled up she had to go into hospital on Monday to get checked out. The doctor examined her head then prescribed antihistamines and said the puffiness is more likely to be something external, rather than cancer or treatment - and now it's definitely going down, so we think/hope he was right.

But today we got a letter from the hospital, sent on Monday - so the same day she had bloods done - saying that she's having a CT scan on the 2nd of January, which is the same day she's receiving her last cycle of Ipi/Nivo. We didn't have a date yet, but we assumed the scan would be later in the month, after she's finished the full course of immunotherapy. The 2nd of Jan will be thirteen and a half weeks since her last scan, but only 10 weeks since she started immunotherapy. Surely this is too soon to know if it's working?

We're terrified they've seen something in the bloods she had on Monday, or the previous Monday when she had them done for Ipi/Nivo, and that's why they've decided to bring the scan forwards. Or maybe it was always set for that date?

I wish the hospital were more transparent about stuff like this. It makes you really paranoid. I don't know if anyone has any experience of something similar? Does it seem odd to get CT scanned on the same day she's having her last cycle of Ipi/Nivo?

Thanks for anyone who reads and replies. This really feels like it's completely ruined Christmas for us.

    • Hi. Has your mum a support nurse.? Try and ring if so. I have had multiple extra scans which pop up and sound sinister but sometimes they’re mistakes and sometimes make sense. I doubt they checked the blood and organised a scan on the same day too. Sometimes with me they want a before and after as well. Maybe it fits in with her being in the hospital that day also. Maybe the more the better as well , really keeping on top of things x
  • Hi Anna,

    Thanks so much for answering, that's really reassuring. My mum spoke to her specialist nurse today who said it's just a routine scan, and that the people booking it hadn't realised she was having treatment on the same day - so big panic over nothing. This sort of thing really plays with your mind sometimes.

    Thanks again,

    Pip x