HRT and Melanoma

  • 4 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hello wonder if anyone else has had similar experiences?

after 3/4 years of going to my GP for perimenopause they finally agreed to commence HRT then today I’ve received communication from them that they will not prescribe until I’ve had my biopsy.

i was diagnosed stage 1b 2 weeks ago and advised to have WLE and a biopsy with a 10 weeks wait (although as I work in the nhs I am aware it could be longer!) 

Feels like a second blow as I do have significant perimenopausal symptoms. 

any advice/suggestions or if you have had similar experiences I would be graceful for 

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that you have significant perimenopausal symptoms. It must be a lot to contend with on top of the stress of having a recent cancer diagnosis and subsequent wait for follow-up operations.

    I don't have the experience you're looking for but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' your post back to the top of the discussion list where it'll be easier for group members who may have had a similar set of circumstances to you will  be able to see it more easily.


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  • Hello!  I am SOOOO glad you've asked this as I've been wondering about it too.  I've been on HRT patches for 2 years now and at my appointment with the surgeon in prep for my WLE and SNLB he asked me to stop the patches as he believed they were linked to clotting.

    I spoke to a menopause nurse who said HRT taken orally has sometimes been linked but patches not at all.  My surgeon is a bit scary so I've not plucked up the courage to challenge him on it and instead am enjoying the wonderous return of my menopause symptoms.  

    My surgery is only 2 weeks away so I think I will just grin and bear it and hope that I can resume as soon as I'm home.  

    I would get a second opinion on that if I was you - it's a long time to suffer the symptoms when you have no surgery date.

  • Thanks for replying!

    I haven’t had a proper conversation as the practice nurse sent me a text message saying they wouldn’t be prescribing Face palm tone2‍♀️if the clotting is a valid reason and someone explained that to me I guess I’d be more accepting. I have the plastic surgeon clinic 2nd January so may raise it then.

    i feel more for my husband and kids as the perimenopause symptoms are not great for them either Grimacing 

    hope you recover well from the surgery and get to enjoy the Christmas break Blush

  • Hi.  Yes 2nd Jan isn't too long to wait now maybe? Might be worth doing some research in the meantime? There are some good apps out there than can give you advice so that you know the risks and why they might not be allowing you to have the HRT.

    My experience is that a fair amount of medical expert don't really understand HRT.  It took my Gynaecologist who is a menopause expert to prescribe me and a super high dose at that.

    Hope your appointment is helpful. Keep me posted if you like. I'm Stage 1B too - on my ankle.