Leg pain after Immunotherapy/chemo

  • 4 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi all, it’s been a while. 
I have/had Stage 4 melanoma. Had some great scan results and as of March I’ve been on a “break” from treatment. 
Can’t complain about any of that. 
I do however have ongoing side effects from treatment. Mainly leg pain which I get most days. It is primarily in hamstrings (sometimes in lower legs). It often appears as a muscle pain with a buzzing vibration to it. It then leads to me feeling nauseas. This is followed by a wave of fatigue. 
I haven’t found much to help it other than getting off my feet. 
wondering if anyone has experienced this and has had any success with dealing with it? 

thanks Pray tone2 

  • Hi  

    That's great to read that you've been having good scan results and have been able to have a break from treatment.

    I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet so responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list where it'll be easier for others to see.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Sumbaw, sorry to hear about your little problem. Have you had any Blood test?

    On one of my recent blood tests, they found my Cortisol levels were low. My adrenal glands had stopped producing and was causing me lots of problems.

    one of those problems was pain in my legs, numbness, tingling from my groin downwards. Felt like a dead leg to start with but then spread further. I am now on steroids to help. 

    I hope this helps but I’m sure you would have had blood tests since March.

    all the best.

  • Ah, thanks for that. Looks like it worked Pray tone2

  • Thanks M, I have had monthly blood tests. I’ve also done a nerve conduction test but neither have revealed any culprit. 
    thanks so much for taking the time