
  • 20 replies
  • 60 subscribers

Good morning all.

A few days ago i posted one here about how worried i am about waiting for my biopsy results and a few people have kindly replied back to me.

I know lots and lots of people are in a similar situation which is horrible, the worry has taken over my life, appetite is all over the show, sleep is all over the show, just on my mind night and day.

As on my previous post i am sure i have had this growing mole for over 3 to 4 years or so, at the middle /  top of my inner thigh. (i had a biopsy on the 12th September)

I Don't work outside and never use sunbeds

When i went 3 times to my GP on the first 2 occasions they both just looked at it with the naked eye without a dermatoscope and said its nothing to worry about.

But on the third occasion the first GP I had seen said it looks like a Seborrheic Keratosis, and he still did not use a dermatoscope he took a photo of it with his phone and booked me an urgent referral.

At the hospital the dermatologist did use a dermatoscope and then said it looked concerning, and made an off the cuff remark that it could still be a funny mole, I had the biopsy that same morning.

That's why I know it is melanoma as the dermatologist looked at it with a dermatoscope so she must have been able to see it was melanoma, by using the dermatoscope than just using a naked eye.

i could tell by the dermatologist face that it is Melanoma..

Thank you.



    Hi Simon

    That's why I know it is melanoma as the dermatologist looked at it with a dermatoscope so she must have been able to see it was melanoma, by using the dermatoscope than just using a naked eye.

    A dermatoscope is effectively a magnifying glass which allowed your consultant to look more closely at your mole. It most certainly doesn't mean that you have melanoma as you can't 'see' melanoma you can only know after the mole is biopsied.

    I know from your previous posts how worried you are that you have melanoma and I think now might be the time to seek help from your GP as you say that

    the worry has taken over my life, appetite is all over the show, sleep is all over the show, just on my mind night and day.

    You may also find this information from Macmillan on managing anxiety helpful.

    Sending you some virtual ((hugs))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you again.

    Sorry for keep posting things, as my wife says that i am one of life's little worriers.

    I was having a good chat with my wife last night and when i said what do you think she said well it looks like it is, my head exploded with more worry :-(

    But i think you are correct i need to see my GP for my anxiety. 

    Thank you once again and sorry to keep posting things.

  • That's great that you've talked things through with your wife  as I certainly couldn't have coped without the support of my husband.

    However, and it's a big however, please don't take any notice of her comment when you said

    what do you think she said well it looks like it is

    as she can't possibly know that you have melanoma!

    There's no need to apologise that you keep posting, that's what this group is for. 

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you again.

    My wife said to me last night that if it was her she would be worried but would still take it all in her stride, which she would as she is much stronger than me in that sense.

    My wife and me are very close and i  know she did not mean any harm with her comment, it just made me feel a bit more worried, if that was possible.

    It must be hard for her as well to see me this down and worried, i wish i was more like her.

    Thank you.


  • Hi Latchbrook.

    Hope you are keeping well.

    Very bad news today.

    Superficial Melanoma 3.9mm

    My head is in bits.

    Doctor mentioned plastic surgeon, Christie's hospital for scans etc.

    Depending on how far it has gone, it looks like I have 1 to 2 years left with my family.

    Knew it would be very bad news.


  • Hi Simon

    Why do you think you may have 1-2 years left with your family?

    have you been told it’s spread?

    My partner has been diagnosed with an invasive melanoma 4.2mm and is waiting to see Christie’s for slnb, scans etc 

    We feel positive yet that all will be ok 

    please don’t panic … Christie’s are excellent … I was treated there myself last year 

  • Hi Simon, 

    I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this traumatic time.

    I had melanoma 6 years ago and breast cancer 11 years ago. I am currently waiting for a scan to follow up a suspicious lung lesion, so I have had my fair share of waiting for results and dealing with bad news.

    I know it is very difficult right now for you but I would strongly suggest that you try to distract yourself from projecting yourself into a very bleak future before you have a full diagnosis. Right now NO ONE, not even the doctors, can tell if the melanoma has spread. The biopsy confirms that there are melanoma cells present locally and measures how deep the lesion is and what its characteristics are. You will need further tests to know all the details.

    Try to concentrate just on the next step ahead and take one day, one appointment, one step at a time. Take time to do the things you enjoy and be with the people you love.

    Know too that huge strides have been made in melanoma treatments in the past few years. There are many people on this site who have benefitted from the latest treatments and are living healthy lives, people who would not have survived had they been diagnosed 20 years ago.

    Take care of yourself. It sounds as if you are in good hands and getting very prompt care.

    One step at a time my friend, one step at a time.


  • Hi Alexa.

    They said it was superficial Melanoma, not invasive Melanoma.

    Don't know if has spread as yet, but my armpits feel funny.

    Doctor said approx 1 to 5 years if reach lymph nodes etc. If not reach lymph nodes then maybe 10 years, but didn't really want to speculate to much.

    So seeing as I have had it for probably over 3 years, I must only have 1 to 2 years left with my family.

    Thank you.


  • Hi Miranda.

    Sorry for the problems you have been going through.

    You are a brave lady and an inspiration.

    Hope everything turns out ok for you.

    Take care Miranda.

    Simon x

  • Hi Miranda

    I am sure it has spread as my armpits feel funny.

    Think I will not get much sleep tonight.

    Thank you Miranda.
