Something to make you think

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  • 58 subscribers

I read this recently and it made me think,  so I thought I would pass it on.

Imagine you are given £86400 a day for the rest of your life, but there are certain conditions with it. You can't save any of the money for another day, you can't give it away, you can spend it on other people as long as you are with you. You now have the option to either sit around doing nothing with the money or to go out and have fun spending it with family and friends, which one would you do.

If I said rather than having £86400 a day to spend, you have 86400 seconds a day for the rest of your life, you can't save any for another day, you can't give them away, but you can still spend time with family and friends enjoying. None of us know how long we have, so don't waste your 86400 seconds a day worrying about tomorrow, spend it instead  enjoying yourself and making lots of memories.