Experienced a cough?

  • 5 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hello everyone!

I'm writing this on behalf of my mother who was diagnosed with a melanoma in 2021, stage 3B, and had a first local-regional recurrence this May. She's since has a full lymph node dissection in her armpit and is NED as far as we know.

While recovering from the surgery, my mum has developed a persistent cough. It's been about five weeks, dry and throaty most of the time. She's seen a doctor and rung her specialist team, and at the minute no-one's worried, but she is convinced there's melanoma in her lungs. I don't think any of us are dealing well with this anxious time.

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced a cough like this and then it turned out to be nothing (so I can set her mind at ease). Or if it was a sign of secondary lung cancer, did you have any other symptoms?

Any advice would be so appreciated. I just want to help my mum cope with this.

Thanks x

  • At the time I am mentioning this experience, I had a melanoma which was believed not to have spread from right arm. I was having three monthly PETscans.I went to my GP about a cough. He believed it to be caused by acid reflux but decided to send me for an x-ray of my lungs. The x-ray showed a nodule on the left lung at about the time a new scan showed a reading there. The team decided unanimously this was now stage 4 melanoma and I was started on immunotherapy.  I am NOT saying your mother is the same but progression can happen.....

    I hope her own diagnosis is clear.

  • Thanks for the response, that's really helpful (even if it's not what I want to hear). I'll encourage my mum to go back to the doctor and ask for an x-ray. I really wish they were giving her three month scans not six month ones.

    Wishing you well on your journey x

  • I have stage 4 with some lesions in my lung which a scan in March showed had reduced to practically nothing. I had an awful cough that started in April and I was terrified it meant that the cancer had got worse again, even though it was so soon after the scan your brain just runs away with you! I was seen my gp's and at the cancer assessment unit on numerous occasions. It eventually lasted for two months and after treatment for reflux, anti biotics, two chest x-rays and a ct scan I'm now being treated for asthma and it was nothing to do with my cancer at all.

    It is normal to jump to the worst case scenario, we all do it. I'm sure they'll do a scan or an x-ray if she's worried, I hope she improves soon. 

  • Thanks, Alibobs, that's really kind of you to reply, and very reassuring. My mum's started on medication for acid reflux and we tentatively think her cough might be getting better. She's having an x-ray tomorrow, so I'll post an update when we have the results. Thanks again, x

  • Just wanted to update in case anyone is in a similar situation - my mum got her x-ray results back this morning and they're all clear. She also had an ultrasound on her armpit where her scar is, and that was fine too, so it's looking like the doctors are right and it is just a case of stress-induced GERD. I hope that comforts anyone else struggling with a cough.