Help, has anyone else had a Radical inguinal lymphadenectomy!

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Good Morning all you special people

Quick back story of my cancer journey, as I want to find other Groin Dissection survivors Laughing

I had a small malignant melanoma 12 years ago on my right shin, and a few cancer cells escaped and having been living rent free in my leg, travelling up to my lymph node in my groin … cheeky monkeys!

Anyway, in November I found a hard lump, thought it could be a cyst, or a lymph node reacting to the shittiest year of my life… so I monitored it and after Christmas saw my GP…. It was not ok, and after a ultrasound, CT scan, PET scan and biopsy it was a 20 x 18 mm groin lymph node full of malignant melanoma!

Ive had radical inguinal lymphadenectomy/ groin dissection, was to supposed to be in for 5 days but pleaded with the surgeon to let me out after 2 days, as hospital life isn’t for me and my observations were perfect!

It’s a serious operation but I don’t know another soul who’s had it that I can ask advice from….. the nerves have been damaged and certain areas feel numb yet are burning, does this go? I’m a self employed mobile chiropodist and have to sit on the floor…. I’ve allowed myself 4 weeks!

Also I‘m carrying around 3 very heavy drains drains and a vacuum pump thingy, the surgeon said 2-4 weeks for them to be removed ….. how long did it take other people, has anyone made a fullish recovery?

I try to stay as positive as I can, life is precious and is for living ….. I’m not giving the big C my happiness, I will learn from it and take the next step forward ( slightly painful at present) 

  • Hi . Yes I’m one . You are amazing to be out so soon . I ll try and answer any questions mine was traumatic x

  • Thank you SO much for responding!  How long ago did you have it done and have you been left with any long term side effects x

  • Hi, I had all the lymph nodes in my groin removed in July 2019. If you click on my profile you can read about it, it was difficult for a while but has settled now. I am left with lymphedema in that leg and numbness in the thigh but at the moment that is the least of my problems. You are in the very early stages of recovery so here's hoping you will improve with time. 


  • My word Diane ….the Big C friggin loves you x I think all you can do is live each day, certainly hard when in pain though!  It’s a very easy phrase to say, for people who feel well x

    Thank you for your words, and I have a feeling my drains are going to be in for some time, I’m literally on my way to the hospital to get them checked after one week, they are SO heavy to carry around but haven’t stopped filling up yet! 

    just seen surgeon, drains are staying, been prescribed pregablin and chilli cream for pain from numbness! 

    I suppose it’s the waiting game of ‘living cancer x

  • I also had a melt removed from my left shin 2019, big hole! 2 years later lump in groin, dissection of lymph nodes in hospital week, i drain numb thigh, was draining loads , 5 weeks later took drain out , leaking like mad wet bed,bag put on bad infection back for 3 weeks hospital, in end another drain in under Ultrasound,painful, home again drain out after 3 weeks, all well, now after 18 months im good got lymphadeama thigh a bit numb but coping im 86 so im glad to be here 

  • Hi Hazel May, 

    I am a survivor of said surgery and still living and breathing fully. Operation was at Beginning of Feb 2023 at Leicester Royal where I underwent the Groin dissection plus surgery to remove 2 further lumps from my flank. I escaped after 1 night with 2 drains and bottles. 
    live still got numbness right at the top of my left thigh but no swelling on thigh. Some swelling and tingling around groin area but it’s getting less and less. 
    I had 1 drain tube removed after 6 days because it wasn’t working properly, left 2nd in for a further 2 weeks until the fluid levels had dropped.

    I am a truck driver and was ready to return to work after 7 weeks but got called back in for another WLE. 
    I hope this helps towards your recovery and an understanding of what some of us have experienced.

    good luck, keep smiling. 

  • Betful 

    WoW 86 ….. you legend, I’m 45! Thank you for sharing your story x I went in yesterday and had the 3 drains emptied and go back tomorrow for hopefully 1/2 to be removed …… keep well my lovely xxx