WLE thigh has left an indent

  • 21 replies
  • 65 subscribers

So I’ve had my WLE on my right thigh just above my knee and it’s currently quite indented? Is this normal? Will it puff out again? 

  • I had two WLEs on my left arm in March this year and, although the scars are less red and noticeable, there are notable chunks out of both areas. I can’t see how they would be likely to improve over time. Hopefully, someone may be along to say the opposite! 

  • Hi ,

    I had my WLE in the exact same area around five years ago.  Of course all ops & patients are different, but my "indent" remains very similar to the first year after the wounds had healed,  Some of the scars have receded a little, but not much.


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Hi I had mine done 12 years ago now and it doesn’t seem as big a chunk as it was in the beginning. It was a shock at first when I saw how much had been taken out. 

  • I had one on my lower leg. Not sure if I can show a pic or not, on here, but in my case I had a skin graft and it’s quite a chunk missing to be honest. Doctor said it will fill in a little and lighten up with time, but here I am, 2 and a bit months in and it’s looking decidedly like a zombie took a big old bite out of my leg. I’m not bothered by the scarring but it is still taking some getting used to, that’s for sure. 

  • I’ve been using e45 on the scar and that’s helped it with healing. It’s looking much better in a week. I am 3 weeks in now xx

  • It’s so strange isn’t it, I’m not bothered, it’s not a vanity thing but just wondering if it’ll ever go back to normal, the scar is very neat to be fair it’s just a bit lumpy at each end. Now the bruisings going and the stitches are out it’s looking much less angry. Still feels massive though xx

  •   I completely agree, it  is strange when the shape of you leg changes!

    Excellent choice E45, my consultant recommended it too and was very insistent that I massaged the area regularly to make the blood flow & remove any swelling.  Whilst we are on the subject of post op happenings, you might start noticing small tingles and then perhaps mild (not painful) sting like sensations.  These are the nerves reconnecting.  The sensation to touch on my "op area" wasn't that good immediately following surgery, but over the months it consistently improved to probably 80%+ of what it had been originally.


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Thanks - I’ve been starting to massage it now im on week 4. It’s so strange it’s numb in the middle and still a bit swollen and flappy on the ends, the e45 had worked a treat though in terms of healing and helping scabs disappear. X

  • I had my wle today very itchy and tight on my shin 

  • Not sure what WLE means but I had a melanoma cut out of my inner thigh 24yrs ago. They cut a large V-shape out & I was left with a very obvious large dent. It gradually filled out again although I can't recall how long it took. It was a while though. Better having a big dent than lurking cancer cells to my mind though.