Mask Wearing

  • 4 replies
  • 56 subscribers

I have worn a mask since the very beginning of the pandemic as my mum was clinically vulnerable…she passed away last April and I had my diagnosis in July so mask wearing has just been a way of life…I’m fortunate in that I am retired so don’t use public transport or have to go into a workplace any longer…but with the new mandate I’m going to continue with mask wearing as I am now on immunotherapy but wondered if the community had any views on the type…up to now I have been using the clinical variety…the blue ones as have most other people but as this habit drops I’m thinking I may need to upgrade to a FFP2 which protects the wearer….any thoughts on this please?

  • Hi I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I think mask wearing is a matter of personal choice once it stops becoming law. I have been on immunotherapy for over 2 years. I tend to wear masks in busy places eg trains or buses but apart from that don’t bother and just get on with my life. I have been lucky to go away a few days every month with my husband on holiday and just do as I would normally do. I see my friends for coffee and try to walk as much as I can. 

    However I did receive a letter from my oncology saying I need to have a third vaccination and then a booster 3 months afterwards.  This not the booster I have already had the 2 vaccinations and booster ,this is on top of that. Apparently it is due to if people were on cancer treatment at the start of COVID and are on it now they are supposed to have this extra treatment. It doesn’t seem widely published . I will book mine shortly. 

    I do wish you well with the immunotherapy.

  • Hi Lgrgdg90 for your kind reply and your perspective…I’ve just taken a look at your profile and I am so glad that your treatment is going well for you…my question probably reflects my continued anxiety about my situation and fears about missing one of my treatments…I appreciate your outlook, thank you

  • I completely understand. I also get anxious about my situation but I suppose I have been living with it for so long now   I could either be a complete wreck or just trying to lead a normal life. I am due a scan on Tuesday and always get anxious about results. I try to keep busy during that time but the more scans I have it doesn’t get any easier. I have offered at my hospital to help anyone who needs someone to talk to. I will have to wait and see if anything developed. When I was initially diagnosed I was put in touch with a lady who I could ring if I needed to talk. This helped me. Unfortunately she died but she had a bad reaction to immunotherapy and couldn’t have it   I have been fortunate in this respect. Ido wish you well and you must do everything you feel keeps you safe. 

  • Igrgdg90…yes I think you are right there and living your life positively has got to be the better choice…for me I think I’m still in a state of shock about the whole thing and still learning and it’s not a situation I could ever have imagined…but who does!….but I am grateful to this forum and people like you who come forward to give insight and kind wisdom..thank you again