Changed Mole

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  • 57 subscribers


I went to my doctors today and he looked at my mole (as well as another mole that was once identical to the mole I’m worried about) and said they were fine.

About 40 minutes later, I got a phone call from the doctor saying something along the lines of “on second thought, I am going to refer you to a dermatologist”. I thought nothing of it until I saw the referral was a 2WW. 

I’m worried about the mole because it’s changed colour (it used to be reddish, now it’s blackish-brown), it’s grown a little, it is slightly asymmetrical and it itches. 

  • Hello Bluebee8089 and welcome to this site.  Sorry you're on here but it sounds like your GP has done a sensible thing in referring you to a dermatologist.  Mine left my mole for over a year!

    • You did the best thing in going to report your moles, always the sooner the better.  You've just realised that it could be serious but don't panic yet.  You haven't got a diagnosis so don't Google either as there have been people on here who were sure they had cancer who got clear results and you'll just scare yourself silly hon.  Stay calm and think positive. Only a small portion of moles reported to dermatologists turn out to be malignant.  The first thing the dermatologist's team may do is examine your moles and may remove the moles to be tested if they feel they are suspicious.   Try not to panic yet xx