Second Melanoma

  • 3 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi Everyone

I am unable to sleep awaiting the results for three biopsies for suspected Melanoma. It is 7 weeks now and I know the hospital have had the results for 2 weeks now. I had a Wide Excision and Lymph Removal back in Dec 2018 so really nervous it has returned (2 moles right above my scar - mid back and another on my shoulder blade). If it comes back as Melanoma will I get the same treatment or will it be more aggressive as I have had it before. Has anyone been in the same boat?

Take care

Eadie x

  • Hello Eadie,

    I'm not in exactly the same position as you but I saw you'd had no reply yet and it is such a worrying time for you.  Did you have any treatment before?  Were you given a stage for your previous melanoma?

    It is worth either asking your GP to chase up the consultant or you yourself can ring the consultant's PA and explain how worried you are. Sometimes the result gets discussed at an MDT meeting to discuss treatment before informing you.  Be proactive.  I'm not sure where you live and what treatments are used there but the newish immunotherapy drugs are usually used now with good effects.   It's unlikely the treatment will be more aggressive as these drugs can be used again for reoccurrence of the melanoma I think.  I hope you can get the results very soon so you can plan ahead. Let us know what the result is hon. Take care x

  • Hi Eadie, I know exactly how your feeling I waited 6weeks for my biopsy results it was mental torture! In the end I emailed the secretary to try & give them a reminder! I hope you don’t have to much longer to wait! Thinking about you x

  • Hi Eadie, just checking in with you as it's been a while since you last posted hon.  Have you had those results yet?  Hope you're ok xx