Not diagnosed yet but highly suspicous

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  • 57 subscribers

Hi all, 

I can’t believe I’m here 

I’m 35 and my husband noticed a mark on my jawline. I’m fair, ginger and freckly but this was totally new. Thought it maybe a bruise to start as browny red. It’s like a patch of red/brown underneath some freckles but unfortunately the GP found it to be highly suspicious and has referred me for a 2ww to Bristol dermatology. 

I am medical myself so I do tend not to overthink illnesses but this has got me. Unsure if that’s because my instinct also feels like this is bad news. 

Can melanomas literally appear at 1cm big overnight?? I have looked through photos and I didn’t have this in a photo on 8th October but I think by end of October I did. 12th November is when my husband pointed it out. 

Not sure what I’m after here but I like to educate myself for worst case scenario anyway!


  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    It's always a worrying time when you're referred for further investigations and it's natural to assume the worst. However, my advice would be to just take one step at a time and try not to think too far ahead.

    We have had a number of people recently in the group whose GP was certain they had melanoma but it turned out not be so let's keep everything crossed that you are one of those too.

    When you go and see the dermatologist they might decide to do a biopsy to find out what this mark is. If you have a biopsy and the information isn't offered, ask how long results are currently taking to come back in your area of the country and what phone number should you ring if you haven't heard after that length of time. 

    Do you have a date yet to see the dermatolgist?


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Latchbrook, 

    Thank you for taking time to reply, much appreciated. 

    I understand - but you know when you just have a sinking feeling - I’m usually the opposite of this, but I don’t know. Something tells me this is it. 

    I’m fine for a biopsy on the day, prefer to get it done to be honest. Rubbish timing with Christmas etc but I don’t suppose there’s ever a good time. 

    Thank you again, reassuring somewhat to know others have been as sure, and it’s been negative. 

    Here’s hoping for an atypical random mole that I’ve never had before! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LN03

    Hi LN03, I am sorry that you are having this worrying time. I have found myself over thinking, worrying and stressing through this time in my life. This group is a brilliant support as you realise you aren't alone we all feel anxious. Like Latchbrook says one step at a time is good advice, fingers crossed it will be fine. Be prepared they may not do the biopsy on the day, if they don't the nice guidelines are four weeks from your appointment for excision. Even then the only way they know for sure is from biopsy results so it could still be fine.My consultant has warned me my WLE and SLNB is likely to be delayed due to COVID (something else for me to worry about) nothing I can do about it though. Let us know how you get on. I see you are a medical person so sorry if I am saying things you already know. 

  • Hi

    I was wondering how you were doing and whether you'd had an appointment with a dermatologist yet?


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi there 

    So sorry for the delay and thank you for checking. 

    I am all clear to start with. Thank you. 

    As it was just before Christmas and I was told it would be around 4-6 weeks for a 2ww, I went privately, they confirmed it was a solar lentigo and to keep an eye on it. NHS appt came through and they too confirmed the same. Relief!! 

    However it did prompt me to tell my Dad to get a mole that had changed, checked. He went through the same as I did except the Dermatologist said his was suspicious of Melanoma. He had his removed along with another mole they’d spotted, 2.5 weeks ago. 

    Still awaiting results, from Southmead in Bristol. Does it usually take that long? 

    Thanks again for the support. 

  • Hi  

    That's great news that your 'mark' didn't turn out to be cancerous. I bet you were very relieved!

    I think that we're all so much more aware of what to look out for having had melanoma, or a brush with it, so it's good that you got your dad to get his moles checked out.

    The waiting for biopsy results can be very stressful. How long they take to come back largely depends on how busy the pathology laboratories are that they've been sent to.

    When I was diagnosed with melanoma 5 years ago, it was 6 weeks between biopsy and results but last summer I had the results back of a suspicious mole after 4 weeks, which seems to be about the average wait time. 

    Your dad should have been given an indication of how long the wait is likely to be along with a contact number to call if they don't come back within that timescale.

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that he has a good result too


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  • Hi. 

    I thought I’d update, my Dad had his appt in Bristol today, unfortunately he has been diagnosed with melanoma, so looks like I’ll stay for a bit if that is ok. 

    The original mole we noticed had changed was on his cheek, and they need to do more surgery on that one but the bigger one on his neck that we hadn’t even noticed doesn’t. They’ve suggested that he has lymph nodes tested too. 

    Fingers crossed it’s just in the skin and hasn’t spread - apparently they had a chart to show chance % of it having spread to nodes and it’s about 8% - no idea how they calculate that! 


  • I'm sorry to read that your dad's mole turned out to be a melanoma but well done for spotting it as it has now been removed.

    The surgery they are talking about will be what's called a wide local excision (WLE) where a further 1-2cm of skin all around the existing excision site is removed to make sure that no stray cells have been left behind. I had this along with the lymph node test, called a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), so I'm happy to chat through what will happen if you have any questions.


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  • Thanks Ian, 

    I’m heading to my parents to discuss the results with them later - I am medical, although not skin cancer knowledgable at all, but I can help them pick apart some jargon on his letter at least. 

    I’ll keep you updated as I’m sure we will all need some advice soon. 

    What can we expect from the SNLB? 

    Thank you - I hope you’re doing well. 

  • If you dad opts for the SLNB, which is optional, he will have it at the same time as his WLE.

    Either the day of the operations, or the day before, he'll have a lymphoscintigraphy which identifies the location of the sentinel lymph node that will be biopsied. This involves having a dye injected as close as possible to the original melanoma site and then a machine is used to see which lymph node this dye flows to. Sometimes, it can flow to more than one in which case he might have two biopsies done.

    The WLE and SLNB are then performed under a general anaesthetic. I was able to go home the same day but mine was done one winter when there was a huge shortage of hospital beds so I think that normally it might include an overnight stay. Your dad will be given instructions on how to care for his wounds and advice on how soon he should get his results. Just like when he had the original biopsy it all depends on how busy the path labs are. I got mine back in 2 weeks but it can take up to 6 to hear.

    If the results from the WLE and SLNB come back clear then he'll have 3 monthly check-ups for 3 years followed by 6 monthly check-ups for 2 years. I'm just coming to the end of my 5 years.


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