Critical Illness Cover for Stage 1b Melanoma

  • 20 replies
  • 65 subscribers

Hi Everyone! 

So upset and worried about everything, I’ve recently been diagnosed with stage 1b melanoma, having SLNB soon but no date and just don’t know where my head is.

My husband and I only just bought our house this year and took out life insurance with critical illness cover with Aviva - we were thinking of claiming on this but I don’t know if stage 1b would be covered if it’s considered invasive or deep enough, the melanoma was 0.9mm breslow but the dermatologist was worried about it and said I’ll probably be on check up for life due to family history of melanoma and of course having the SLNB ASAP.

Does anyone have any advice or experience with this as I don’t know if my mental health can handle putting in a claim for it to be rejected when going for surgery and beyond… I’m probably being dramatic but this has really knocked me for 6 

Thanks so much in advance Pray tone1

  •  I think you will have a successful claim and would encourage you to start the ball rolling. We are 0.6mm, 1B ulceration and with Zurich and they have requested a medical report to confirm diagnosis (though we sent copies of all letters).  Just waiting to hear an update and will post here. A peer had a successful Aviva claim for 1a 0.5mm this week. 

  • Hi Daisy, have you heard from insurer yet? I submitted my stuff online a week gone Sunday and not heard a thing! I wonder what means they contact you via email or post, keeping everything crossed!

  • Hi, we submitted our claim forms at the end of April and had an acknowledgement letter at the end of week 1 and were advised they had contacted our GP for a medical report. We called GP yesterday and told 6-8 weeks wait for our medical report to be processed as its a non NHS request.  I think its very much how quickly information gets sent back to the insurer and looks like we have a long wait sadly!! 

  • Oh wow lengthy process! Which insurer are you with? I thought we may have had at least confirmation or an update! Fingers crossed for you Fingers crossed

  • It's Zurich personal protection!  They did acknowledge our claim in 5 days, sent us a claim form to complete and it took another 5 days to say they had received it and sent GP a medical record request. We have sent all diagnosis letters and correspondence we have from the hospital.  Not sure what they need from the GP but maybe just checking we are being truthful / verifying the diagnosis.  I thought they would have contacted the hospital, that might have been quicker as our GP is very slow with little admin cover.  I hope you get a response soon. Keep in touch! We will be chasing weekly to see if we can get a response from the GP sooner.  I think once insurers have the information they need, they are fairly quick to decide and confirm (5 days I think).  Who are you with?

  • Hi just to update we received an email today to say claim has bee successful, so yours definitely will be! Still in shock 

  • That's fantastic!! Well done you must be so relieved xx

  • It's honestly a massive relief and is going to be a significant help for us, wishing you the best of luck with your claim. 

  • Forgot to ask last night! How long was the process in the end from start to finish? We submitted online on the 29th May and submitted consent forms on the 2nd June and the wait is awful, just wondering about eligibility constantly, it's potentially life changing, although disappointing that we are in the position to start with...

  • Hi not sure if your still on here but just doing some research, I have critical illness cover with legal and general and I have 1B melanoma, was your claim successful? 