Critical Illness Cover for Stage 1b Melanoma

  • 20 replies
  • 65 subscribers

Hi Everyone! 

So upset and worried about everything, I’ve recently been diagnosed with stage 1b melanoma, having SLNB soon but no date and just don’t know where my head is.

My husband and I only just bought our house this year and took out life insurance with critical illness cover with Aviva - we were thinking of claiming on this but I don’t know if stage 1b would be covered if it’s considered invasive or deep enough, the melanoma was 0.9mm breslow but the dermatologist was worried about it and said I’ll probably be on check up for life due to family history of melanoma and of course having the SLNB ASAP.

Does anyone have any advice or experience with this as I don’t know if my mental health can handle putting in a claim for it to be rejected when going for surgery and beyond… I’m probably being dramatic but this has really knocked me for 6 

Thanks so much in advance Pray tone1

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I don't have any personal experience with claiming on critical illness cover for melanoma as I didn't have any in place when I was diagnosed. However, quite a few people in the group have claimed and I've found these previous posts on the subject for you to have a look through.

    My best advice would be to ring your insurance company and ask if you qualify to claim. All insurance policies have different requirements so the only way you'll no for sure is to speak to them.

    Do come back and let us know how you get on


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  • Thank you for the support and help Latchbrook, it seems people have had promising results so far if the policy covers the specific diagnosis, I’ve sent off the form anyway and just awaiting their decision 

    Fingers crossed tone1

  • Hi BWelshy, 

    I was not aware that I could claim with 1b,thanks for starting this thread. I'll talk to my insurance company tomorrow and see what they say.

    Good luck and please keep us updated. 

  • Hi,

    sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It is such a worrying time isn’t it. I was diagnosed with stage 1B back in November 2017 and I did claim on my critical illness cover.  The form I had to fill in was fairly lengthy but straight forward and the insurance company paid us quite quickly. I had to submit letters confirming the diagnosis & names of my consultant / doctors but the whole process was fairly easy. Definitely worth doing. 
    Wishing  you all the best. 

  • Thanks Elmyra, will do and fingered crossed for you as well - on the phone they said they covered malignant melanoma (didn’t specify only certain stages) but I shall wait and see! 
    Fingers crossed tone1

  • Thank you Sarielou, so glad you were able to claim and hope things are better for you now.

    That is really reassuring thank you, I assume with covid etc things are taking longer but trying not to stress, the form is into the ether now so will see what they say!

  • Hi all,

    I’m just here to have a rant really - still waiting to hear back from my insurance as there was a mix up with GP reports and info not being sent, I feel like they really don’t want to pay out as it’s taking so long :(

    I’m also waiting for my SLNB results back at the end of the month which is giving me more stress as well as working full time and trying to get on with things as normal when really I’m just so anxious and scared. 

    I’m finding it easier to be stressed about the insurance rather than the results I think and pushing that to the back of my mind… 

    I do find it helpful and comforting to know other people have similar experiences Heart️ 

  • Hi BWelshy, I hope you are doing OK and got a result for the SLNB and WLE? We are just going through the same process, no appointment yet for WLE or other investigation yet. Diagnosed 1B (0.6mm with ulceration).  We are going through the same thought process about the critical illness insurance. Did you have a successful claim?

    Our policy states it covers malignant melanoma that is not confined to the epidermis, and we don't know if that covers 1a and 1b stages or whether they have tightened the criteria.

    I hope you had a positive experience with claiming.  We are finding it a useful distraction but of course when you submit the claim it's more limbo without any information! 

  • Hi Daisy, hope you are well and you get your appointment soon Pray tone1 I had a 0.9mm 1b and my results came back clear and I am now 18 months cancer free Fingers crossed tone1 all the best for you and your treatment! 

    I completely forgot to update the original thread, yes I was able to claim and we were eventually paid out in full by the insurance and some additional due to the length of time it took for the claim! I think I put the claim in Nov when I was diagnosed and we didn't get the pay out until March or April? They queried my medical history because apart from my cancer I hardly went to the GP so they requested my notes I think 2 or 3 times and my GP was very slow getting that over to them due to the covid back log. It's probably much quicker now and your GP is hopefully better than mine! 

    I think my experience is anomalous though as lots of people had quicker payouts!

    Best of luck to you and I hope you get the results you want in both your health and with the insurance Pray tone1

  • Has anyone any experience of a successful critical insurance claim with L&G or Aviva for the diagnosis of malignant melanoma superficial 1A (0.7mm breslow, T stage pt1a) I'm not sure if this is classed as invaded beyond the epidermis.... and don't want to waster insurers time. Thanks