• 4 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi Everyone, yesterday I had my WLE and SLNB and was told everything ran smoothly. I watched the clock as I went to sleep at 12.15pm and woke up in recovery at 2.15pm with a sore throat but happy to be alive!! I did well enough to be sent home and was back by tea time. 2 lymph nodes were taken from my left arm pit and my WLE was done on my original scar from my melanoma on my left shoulder blade.  
In a little pain today from my 2 wounds but I am finding it impossible to sleep. I thought I would’ve been zonked last night but think I saw every hour it’s very similar to jet lag! 
Has anyone else had the same problem? I just need some sleep. I have no problem going to sleep but soon wake up  

Thanks for listening

  • Hi Calsmam, 

    Glad that it all went well.

    I had a sore throat as well after the surgery, apparently side effects of anaesthetics. In terms of sleeping, sorry I don't have any advise, I was sleeping OK  especially when I took painkillers in the few days following surgery. Could it be because your sleep pattern was disturbed due to anaesthetics? Hopefully it'll wear off soon. 

  • Hi Calsman…yes I was exactly the same…I was almost on a high for about 36 hours after…I’m guessing anaesthesia…but then I had a huge drop and slept for 2 days….I was expecting to be shattered and in pain but neither happened immediately….just for info I have a similar surgery site…left upper back and 1 lymph node removed…I haven’t had any extra problems with both sites although the nurse told me it will take around 18 months for everything to settle nicely…but sleeping and movement weren’t impeded at all…..best of luck with yours, I’m sure sleep will arrive soon x

  • Hi Elmyra

    Thank you for your reply. I’m not the best of sleeper usually so hopefully things will settle soon

  • Hi IvysMum

    Thank you for your reply. Yes we sound very similar. I’m also guessing the anesthetic had caused the high hopefully I’ll come down soon and get some sleep.

    18 months is a long time I didn’t realize but suppose I’ll get more info at my follow up appointment next Wednesday