Post lymph node op….. keeping clean?

  • 6 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I had my op on Wednesday and now have two long strings of stitches. One on my forearm, around 8/9 inches and the same under my arm in a fetching C shape. Lots of pretty red, black and yellow shades. Apart from being sore and a little numb feeling, all is well.

Just a bit of advice really…. I’ve got micropore tape on each cut and I’m keeping it dry. Any advice on how to keep the cut in my arm pit as fresh and clean as possible. My original mole removal became infected, I’m very prone to skin infections, and I’m hoping to avoid this again. Cleaning/washing/showering advice…. Deodorant I’m guessing is a no no to start. 

I’ve been keeping it raised as much as I can so the air can get to it.

Thanks in advance 

  • Hi Spanielmumma I have recently been in your position having a WLE on my upper back and the SLNB under my left arm….I am 4 weeks on and all the bruising and most of the swelling has now gone and I’m feeling much happier with the appearance of the wounds… far as underarm, my micropore stayed in place for probably 2 weeks….I was advised not to shower until the dressings were checked and just dabbed under the arm with a soft flannel and none perfumed soap….I also used cotton pads for cleaning for the first couple of days until I became a bit more confident….for me that area was the most sore but as I said everything has healed nicely with no complications…..take care x

  • Thank you.

    I had a call today to book me into the wound dressing clinic but it’s 10 days away….. seems quite a long time to go without a shower….. I shall be inventive with my washing RoflRofl

  • Hi Spanielmumma, 

    Glad it went well and hope you get good news soon.

    I was told not to shower & keep the dressing on for 7 days until GP nurse changed them. I used baby wipes during that time instead of showering and haven't removed the dressing at all. Hubby washed my hair once but wasn't easy to navigate, so I've used dry shampoo couple of times. My stitches were removed at day 10 and was told that I can shower but not to spray high pressure water directly to the wounds.

    As a microbiologist, I am obsessed with infection aspect and try to be careful as much as I can. This is my daily routine (maybe bit OTT) since my stitches are taken out:

    Wash hands with soup before touching the wound, rinse the wound gently with bottled water or distilled water, take the excess liquid around it (without touching the actual wound) with kitchen towel and let it air dry. Use silicon gel to massage the wound gently for few minutes and let it dry. If I am home I don't cover it, wearing comfortable cotton clothes. If going out covering it with a plaster or surgical tape to avoid contact of rough fabric clothes for few more weeks. 

    I was told it'll take up to 6 weeks for it to heal completely, no running, swimming, cycling or lifting heavy items and only allowed light walking exercise. I still have some tense /uncomfortable feeling but no pain at all. 

    Hope this helps. 

  • That’s great thank you. I was told nothing about looking after my wound, when the stitches will come out or anything really. Stupidly I didn’t ask… just wanted to get home I forgot to ask.

    I’ll email my wonderful Macmillan nurse on Monday to double check about the stitch removal but I’ll keep it dry until then. 

    I’ve kept it dry and open to the air as much as possible yesterday and today. I’m off work now until 1st November so hopefully all will be heard by then

  • No worries, 

    Some of the info is from my work background, some of it from previous tattoo applications :)) must say wasn't given too much detail regarding wound care after the surgery, had to dig it out from my nurse too.

    Glad you've been signed off for a bit, hopefully you can rest to the max.

  • I’ve got next week

    off work followed by a two week

    half term break, good timing really.