Covid - risk of catching in school setting?????

  • 7 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hello everyone, 

I was wondering if anyone knows whether a diagnosis of melanoma or any cancer puts you at higher risk of catching covid? I'm a teacher and all covid restrictions have ended in schools - I'm in a school with 250 4-13 year olds. I teach the older ones, years 7+8 but come into contact with all of them. We currently have kids in school with immediate family members who are positive - parents/siblings. 

Any ideas?

  • Hi Spanielmumma

    This is what I was told, it’s not the melanoma as such but the treatment you are on that affects things, and it’s not that you are more likely to catch it it’s just that your body has more things to deal with so more likely to have it worse. I fall into the extremely clinically vulnerable group as I’m still on Pembrolizumab and need to self isolate for a few days before each treatment, I’m also a mild asthmatic and I’m type 2 diabetic although diet controlled only. My blood count usually shows my white cells as being low so I’ve been very much hermit like throughout this whole period. More concerned that even flu can disrupt treatment as you shouldn’t be going near the oncology day unit with a raised temperate even before covid. I’m not a medic so you might want to talk to your own hospital team about your own circumstances.

    Ive edited this to put in a link to Macmillan’s coronavirus hub info incase you hadn’t come across it and might find it useful.

    Take care KT

  • Hi Spanielmumma, 

    I think it depends to what stage you are and what type of treatment you have. I am stage 2a and I am not having any treatment. I work at Infection Sciences and deal with covid + patient and their samples on daily basis, was told by both my H&S officer and Consultant who delivered the diagnosis that risk category is same as before. 

    If you are on chemo of immunosuppressive drugs that's a different story. Best to check with your nurse /consultant.


  •  like you I am in a school 300+ pupils I asked last week during my telephone consultation  about covid etc in schools whilst on immunotherapy. 
    the person I spoke to reassured me that there was no greater risk of catching covid. Continue with hand washing , distancing , lateral flow testing and mask wearing x 

    I also asked about the flu vaccine that is due in schools and again she said there was no additional risk involved. 

    these both out my mind at ease x 

  • Thank you all.

    I’m sure you are all right and there is no greater risk... it just feels very  strange. No masks, no distancing, all in the hall singing together.

    I think I will be teaching from home prior to my op to ensure no risk of a delay due to a positive test. We’ve had several family members test positive and have symptoms despite being double jabbed, unfortunately one death too, so I’m probably a little sensitive to it. 

  • Hi Spanielmumma, 

    It must feel strange after a year of mask wearing, social distancing etc. We are still doing masks etc at work as hospital guidance has not changed.

    So sorry to hear you had loss in the family, it must have been difficult time. 

    We have been vaccinated back in December as a department and still had 2-3 colleagues who tested positive with mild symptoms recently.

    Would be great if you could work from home until the surgery. If not would suggest you to wear your mask if possible.

    When are you due for op if you don't mind me asking?


  • Hi,

    no date for my op yet, the surgeon said around 6-8 weeks so that should be mid to end October 

  • Hi, 

    Mine was supposed to be first week of October but they brought it forward due to opening in the schedule. 

    Fingers crossed you hear re-op date soon,
