Initial wait..... how long?

  • 22 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi all,

I had ‘the’ call from the lovely Macmillan nurse two weeks ago today and have not received anything from the hospital yet.

I’m not worrying, which I’ve impressed myself with, but I am not good at not having plans. I’m one of those people who needs things organised. I teach part time, have two autistic teens and I’m an unpaid carer for my mum who hasn’t left the house without me in years. Being able to put dates on things really helps. 

I spoke with the lovely nurse on Friday and she said to give it a few more weeks.... just wondering how long most people wired between the call and getting a date for a follow up appointment? 

  • Hi

    I'm assuming that the follow-up appointment you're talking about is for a wide local excision (WLE) and possible sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), is that right? If so I had my melanoma diagnosis at the end of November, met the plastic surgeon who was going to do my WLE and SLNB in January and had the operations in February. I think this is probably longer than most people wait as Christmas and New Year got in the way. Just to add this was in 2015/2016.


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  • Thank you so much for replying. Yea it’s the appointment to discuss the WLE and SLNB. I haven’t seen anyone yet, just a call for the lovely nurse two weeks ago with the news it was melanoma. I don’t even know how big the mole was that they removed in terms of depth.

    It’s just reassuring to know that these timescales are all ok

  • When I chatted to my SCNS after my diagnosis she said that the important thing to remember was the melanoma had been removed and that the WLE was just a "mopping up exercise" to make sure that no stray cells had been left behind. She could see from my records that the original excision had left clear margins. Obviously it could have already spread to my lymph nodes but as my depth was 1.45mm the general feeling at the time was that it probably hadn't. Thankfully the SLNB confirmed that Slight smile

    Let us know when you have a date to see the surgeon 


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  • The waiting is tough x when I got the it’s melanoma news ( 19th April ), I saw the plastic surgeon 4 weeks later for my consultation about what needed done etc and to agree  to the SLNB.
    It was then another  3 weeks before  I was in to get the procedures done x
    a long drawn out process xx 

  • It sounds like your wait times were just a bit quicker than mine but I agree that the waiting can be hard.


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  • yes I think the waiting has been tough x this week I have finally returned to work it’s been so good to feel “normal” again. Ready to start my pembro treatment on Monday and praying it’s kind to me x x

  • Wishing you all the best for the start of your treatment. Let us know how it goes.


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  • Will do! X I am so nervous, though the pembro feedback on here has given me hope that I will be able to manage if I do get side effects! It’s the fear of the unknown x also been referred through work to speak with a cognitive therapy counsellor as anxiety has been my biggest issue these last 6 months x never had it before in my life x 

  • I don't have any experience with cognitive therapy but that's great that your employer is being so supportive Slight smile

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Willing to try anything that helps me get these anxious feelings and worries under control xx