Lump on lymph node

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  • 58 subscribers

At my 3 monthly checkup at the clinic this month, my Macmillan nurse thought she could feel a lump in my groin! She wasn’t sure but she is sending me for a a ultrasound which if they see anything will be followed by a biopsy, how do they do the biopsy? And will they do it on the same time? I have an appointment tomorrow! Thanks for reading my melanoma was on my shin .

  • Hi , for me it was a CT scan that showed there was an enlargement, they wanted to confirm if it was melanoma and put me back on immunotherapy if it was.

    I then got sent for an ultra sound with the intention to do a needle biopsy at the end of the ultrasound, the ultrasound was guiding checking it then guiding the needle. If you’ve ever been pregnant it’s just like that ultrasound, they rub gel on for the scan and rub a local anaesthetic on for the needle going in. They put those tissue things around to stop the gel going on your clothes I didn’t feel anything they just do a click when it’s going in they did of of those.

    The next day even though I’d washed myself my skin had changed a funny colour, took a few mins to twig it was from the procedure gel or anaesthetic and to have yet another shower which did the trick.

    Results took about a week I think.

    A year later when when still on immunotherapy I had another needle biopsy to a groin node followed 3 weeks later by a removal of that node.

    I hope that info helps, ask away if there’s anything else you want to know. It’s not necessarily melanoma, just great that they are being cautious, well done your team.

    Take care KT

  • Thank you so much for your reply kthome, that’s reassuring to know what to expect, hopefully all well, I’m just crossing my fingers, you take care as well,

  • I had my ultrasound this morning ,they said a node was a little bigger,and would relate the results to my consultant and Macmillan nurse,to see what they want to do, just keep an eye on it,or something else! So I’m left in limbo!  Is it safe to leave it! Thanks I’m just a bit concerned 

  • Hi , your team now know that your node measures a bit bigger than it was before, instead of just having a feeling that it might be bigger. They have a tangible measurement that they can compare with any future measurement. So your team are a bit further forward, but as you say you’re still in limbo.

    Is it safe to leave it ? depends perhaps on what it measures next, it may reduce? A few of mine have in the past, your team will be able to tell you what they plan to do next. If you feel it growing more before they take the next action you can call them and I think if they need to they would speed things up, or help you wrap your mind around waiting if there is no choice but to wait. This weekend nothing will change though and I hope you can enjoy it.

    I have had a few months contemplating my own is it safe to leave it question. I can tell you I’ve been ok about waiting based on my previous ok waits, and then grumpy about waiting, and the possibility that it might be the wrong thing to do, my team want to be sure they are taking the right action and need the evidence for this and that’s what I have to remember to keep grounded, nothing major enough has changed to deviate from the existing plan for me, but the next results might change that but if it does it doesn’t mean the decision to wait was wrong. That’s my take on me, and as I’m not a medic I can’t help with your wrong or right but I can sympathise with how you’re feeling as I’ve been there more than once I guess.

    Take care KT

  • Thank you so much KT that really helps, it brings it into perspective.  It’s amazing how many people go through these awful  times, but we have people like yourself who are a great help! I hope you get the support you deserve .

  • Hi

    I hope you are well. I'm just popping in to see if you've had a chance to talk to your consultant about the results of your ultrasound yet.


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  • Yes I got my results yesterday by phone call from my specialist nurse! Unfortunately not good news, the biopsy was positive and there were other enlarged nodes as well! I have to have a ct scan of all my body , and then a visit to consultant to see if I would be fit enough for a general op. I’m 84, and not very able! Nurse said that all the enlarged nodes would come out, this depends on ct.results, she has sent my biopsy results to see if there is an alternative adjuvant treatment, another period of waiting ,thank you for thinking of me 

  • Oh, I'm sorry that it wasn't the news you would have wanted .

    There are lots of people in the group who have had all their nodes removed or are on adjuvant treatment and I'm sure they'll be happy to answer any questions you might have if you start a new post.

    Do you know when you're going for your scan?


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  • No I’m carrying my phone about with me it should be within the 2weeks! 

  • Let us all know how you get on.


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