Coping with fatigue

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi all, 

Hope you are all ok. I’m just posting on here as I know many of you will understand this, but I am struggling with fatigue. I’m on dab and tram and I’ll be mid-way through at the end of this month. 

I got the side effect of tiredness at the beginning and then during spring my energy levels were very good. I am generally ok and I am managing well. The days that I feel tired are becoming more frequent. I’ve told my nurse and they said it is to be expected and is likely to become more frequent. Today is one of those days where I feel Like I am swimming through treacle. I’m going to go for a walk with the dog in the hope fresh air will wake me up a bit but all I feel like doing is lying down. 

I’m also struggling with gynaecological issues which aren’t anything to do with melanoma but I have been told that the pains may be worse due to the medication and that I have to try and get through the next few months before we can look at treating it as I may need surgery. I think without this I might be managing a little bit better to be honest. 

Just feeling a bit low - I love gardening, crafting and reading but I just don’t feel like it at all. it’s one of those days that I just need people to say ‘we get it!’ and that you understand


  • Yes I know how you feel as I took these tablets for 7 months and I didn’t feel at all myself with them. I often felt tired and would shake at times.I was always cold.  I am now on immunotherapy and the side effects are minimal. As you say you are nearly half way through so that is a celebration. Some people need to have breaks with this treatment as their body can’t tolerate it. When I took it 3 years ago I hadn't read up about the side affects and didn’t use the Internet  at the time as was still in shock with my diagnoses.

    Be kind to yourself you don’t have to do your hobbies when you are feeling low. Have a coffee and large piece of chocolate or cake and put your feet up .Until a person has had this treatment it is hard to feel just how tired you can feel.You said you also have other health issues that can make you feel low. Just take it easy when you need to and don’t push yourself. Fresh air an be a walk outside the house you don’t  have to always go on a long walk. Listen to your body and think in a few months this will be behind you.  Hope this helps and you are doing well as this isn’t an easy drug to take.

  • Thank you so much, I really needed to read this today - makes such a difference to hear this from someone who has been there. Thank you for taking the time to write to me.

    I did go on a walk and we had a milkshake at a cafe when I needed a rest :o) I’m feeling ok, going to take it easy this evening. 

    I’m glad that you are managing ok on your immunotherapy.

    Thanks again xx