Advice needed please

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Practical advice please. Had wle on thigh and slnb in groin late friday pm. Kept in overnight and discharged home yesterday afternoon without seeing the surgeon. The whole experience was distressing and felt rushed and I feel I don't know what has been done. I have compression bandaging knee to thigh and am struggling to mobilise due to pain. Has anyone else had this type of bandaging after the same surgery and where should I call for advice please? 

  • Hi , I’m sorry to hear you feel rushed out and in pain. When I was discharged the next day the surgeon ( who was a Macmillan surgeon) rang me at home the next day, I didn’t get to talk to him as I’d fallen asleep though! and my husband answered the phone. I haven’t had the same surgery mine was a laparoscopic removal of one groin node not involving my leg. I was advised to take paracetamol for a few days and I was booked in to see a nurse a week later, to check on things, my stitches were dissolvable so didn’t need to be removed, I was able to get some more dressings from the local chemist. There is an ask an expert section on here if you want a nurse’s help with questions, I will put the link in for you. Ask a Nurse ( they can take up to 2 days to answer) 

     I was given a key worker, a Macmillan nurse at my hospital who could answer questions and who could liaise between surgery and oncology for me. I’m hoping you have a contact number but appreciate it’s Sunday today. My discharge letter from memory also had some info on caring and my next appointment date. 

    You mentioned practical help so I’ve hesitated on giving the link to the Macmillan info on SLNB but changed my mind, it’s below in case it helps.

    I hope you are able to rest as much as you can and do any exercises you were given when up to it and be kind to yourself. I hope your team can answer any questions if you call them on Monday to say you feel a bit rushed and distressed. 

    Take care

    Take care KT

  • Thank you KT for your kind reply. I will ring the CNS tomorrow and ask her to liaise with the Surgeon.