Can’t sleep

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  • 56 subscribers

Hi , I am 41 yrs old . I found a grown mole  2 cm wide.I think it’s been there for atleast 8 months based on my previous photos . Located in the concha area on the ear. Hidden so couldn’t see properly and may have ignored as a mole . Doctor at GP advised probably melanoma and been urgently reffered to hospital . I got appointment for next Wednesday.Can’t get any before as hospital being busy.can’t sleep past two days.Any advise.More worried of being such big.

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    It's perfectly normal to feel anxious when you're waiting to be seen for a suspected melanoma and you might find this information from Macmillan on managing anxiety helpful. You could also speak to your GP as they can help you find ways of coping with it.

    In normal times I would tell you to spend time doing the things you enjoy to take your mind away from worrying. However, I appreciate that this isn't so easy while we're in lockdown. Lots of people find mindfulness helpful and if this is something that you want to take a look at then clicking on this link will take you to the NHS page on mental health apps which you can download.

    Something to bear in mind is that it's impossible to be sure if a mole is a melanoma just by looking at it so although your GP has said that it probably is you won't know until a biopsy is done. 

    Let me know how you get on when you see the consultant on Wednesday. If you need help sleeping tonight, reading my profile should send you straight off Zzz


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