Dabrafenib and Trametinib

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi, im new to this forum and very anxious.

My husband has just started the combined treatment , infact just last night.      He has ascites, from his cancer (melanoma) and has had to have his tummy drained x2.,,,, and there are also lesions on 1 of his lungs, this has been devastating news for us and only been a few weeks since we were told.     Our lifes have been totally transformed overnight.     I have point of contact from the specialist oncologist nurse, palliative nurse , macmillan group, our own GP and district nurses ., also support from family and friends.

I cry most days, can't believe this is happening. My husband was always doing something around the house eg DIY,.

Hope this treatment can give us a bit more time.    

Anyone else going through or been through our situation?

  • Hi Tricks

    Although my husbands diagnosis is very different to yours, the shock, the tears and the total disbelief is very much a part of what we went through in May/June this year after he got the news that his condition is terminal.

    I just wanted to reply to your post to let you know others are here, this is a great place to chat and get advice, I hope someone who can relate similarly to what you are experiencing diagnosis wise, will be a long shortly....in the meantime, just know we are reading and rooting for you


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    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lowedal

    Thank you for your kind words.      Just hearing that i can chat on this site and get advice from others going through similar situations is heart warming.     

    A day at a time, as you say, " tomorrow is not promised".