Five years NED

  • 4 replies
  • 58 subscribers

I was an active member here for a number of years but got lost when the website changed. I thought I would make the effort, wrap my mind around the 'new' format and post. This month I received news that my latest scans were clear, which makes it five years NED (No Evidence of Disease). I was one of those people for whom Ipi on its own worked. It shank my tumours until there was no track on the scans. I am now on yearly scans.

Not everything went perfectly. My anterior pituitary gland was permanently damaged as a side effect of the immunotherapy, so I now have 'secondary adrenal insufficiency' and have to replace my missing thyroxine and cortisol daily. However, I am still here and enjoying life.

  • Congratulations Moira, great news, and good of you to return to let all of us know. It’s really nice to have good news stories.  I’m assuming that although you have to replace your thyroxine and cortisol daily that it’s not impacting on you. 

    Take care KT

  • Hi  thanks for posting and sharing the fantastic news with the online community. It’s so lovely to hear good news for a change and I for one wish you well and truly hope your scans continue to remain NED. As for the complications I guess it’s a small price to pay and given the opportunity you would take the results all day long ! 

  • That's great news that you're still NED !

    Thanks for taking the time to come back and share this with us as I'm sure those who are still on treatment, or just started it, will take great comfort from your news.


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  • Hi Moira,

    Glad to know you're still NED.

    I first read one of your posts about the incredible success of your Ipi treatment a few years back. I wasn't doing too well at the time and your sharing this experience made me wonder whether it could also happen to others including me.

    Here we are today and there are a few similar stories of miracle drugs making a massive difference to melanoma patients here on this forum. Its been almost a year since my Ipi Nivo transfusion; I had some similar problems to my Thyroid, but also huge success in stopping the disease which was expected to end my life six months ago.

    I will always remember reading your post as it gave me hope when there was none. Thanks again for sharing.

    Take care


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