Results are back from SLNB

  • 7 replies
  • 58 subscribers

I got my results back today for my SLNB and wle my wle came back clear unfortunately in the one node they have taken there's a very tiny amount of melanoma in the middle of the node she said about the size of a full stop.

So next step is to have lymph nodes removed from area in neck ( she said if my sentinel was in my armpit or groin they wouldn't be doing anything further other than scan my nodes after 4 months as it's so small what was found but because it's my neck nodes they like to take the surrounding nodes out 

So waiting for CT and MRI scans this week then see consultant next Tuesday it was abit of a shock but not much else I can do now other than get through this next step again she mentioned they may want to maybe put me on immunotherapy if I want to after the node operation but we shall get through another op again first 

Thanks for reading

Sparkle X

  • Oh, I am sorry to read that your SLNB contained traces of melanoma Disappointed It must have been a real shock as I'm sure you were expecting everything to be clear.

    It's good that you don't have to wait long for your MRI and CT scans. Let us know how you get on next Tuesday.

    Sending a big (((hug)))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I kno it was a shock but hopefully after more surgery I will kno if it's in more nodes than the one they have taken out with it being such a small bit I'm hoping not but I'm learning never say never with this awful disease ;( 


  • Hi sparkles871, that’s very unlucky that a small particle was found that means another op, but also very lucky that they found it and are operating to help prevent anything further. I read your profile and the wait you had to get your mole removed. I’m glad you seem to be well cared for now. You might want to look at the head and neck cancer group as well as  they will also have experience of more nodes being removed from the neck. We are lucky that we have immunotherapy as a next treatment, it can work so well. 

    Good luck for your scans and results. I have my regular 3 monthly scan on Sunday and hopefully results on Wednesday. 

    Take care.

    Take care KT

  • Thank you replying back to me fingers crossed for you that your results are ok :) I have just read your profile you seem to have gone through quite alot in the last few years but so glad it's been working for you :) 

    I know it was annoying it was so small that was found but like the nurse said if I hadn't of had the biopsy then it might of been in the node for a few years before it became a problem so I'm trying to look at the positives in the situation 

    Where is the head and neck group is it on this forum? 


    Sparkle x

  • Feeling really stressed and anxious since finding out it had gone into the node I've not been able to sleep hence this message at 4am Face palm 

    I know they said oh it's tiny particle that right in the centre of the node but I can't help but worry about it and it's making me I'll already and I've not even had any treatment on it yet :( I'm just feeling sorry for myself I think hopefully in a few days it will sink in and I can focus on fighting it again:( 

    Sparkle x

  • Hi Sparkle, we all get moments like that, I remember telling a friend about needing an MRI on my liver once, and her reply was well they can just cut a bit out and you will be ok ! That wasn’t comforting at all, but I’m sure she meant it to be. It did make me stop and remember that we sometimes just have to keep in the moment, It has taken a while for me to appreciate mindfulness as it’s not always easy to do, I don’t know if you’ve tried it at all? 

    Sorry I should have put the link in for you, it’s below now for you to click on, but there’s a tab for groups where you can look for cancer types or cancer experiences.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    It can be a strange time waiting for treatments to start and for a routine to settle down, I hope things normalise for you soon. 

    Take care KT

  • Thank you for replying back again :) I know i think I'm just having a bad few days finding out on Tuesday it hasn't sunk in yet but sure I will calm down soon. I think with it being 2.1mm deep I had it in my head everything would be fine obviously I'm not saying it isn't fine yet but as you said it's the waiting round for scans an results an operations that gets me worse than the actual thing X