Mole removal

  • 9 replies
  • 56 subscribers


I'm having a mole removal from my face next week which the cancer nurse is fairly certain is a melanoma. It's been look at through the special lens and its got all the indicators, irregular shape, different colours, size etc. 

Im absolutely petrified, my mental health isn't good at the best of times but it's through the roof at the min and I'm really stressing out. Although the cancer nurse has talked me through things I'm literally falling apart and just want to run and hide. I've self referred to our local mental health service but there is a 26 wait and my doctor has just said to increase my antidepressants. Can anyone help put my mind at rest please. 


  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that you're absolutely petrified and falling apart at the thought of having a mole removed from your face next week and hopefully I can give you some reassurance.

    Mine was removed from my upper arm so I don't have any direct experience with removal from the face. I can understand that you might be scared at the thought of this but you will be in very good hands. The area around the mole will be numbed with local anaesthetic and then the surgeon will remove the mole and close the wound. Usually you have to have the stitches removed a couple of weeks later but sometimes they are dissolvable.

    The mole will then be sent off to be examined. Remember to ask how long results are currently taking to come back in your area as it can vary from 2-6 weeks depending on how busy the path labs are.

    Just because the nurse thinks that it is a melanoma doesn't mean that it is. No one can be absolutely sure until it's examined in the pathology labs. Hopefully it won't be melanoma but, if it is, there are plenty of us here who can help you through the next stage. For most people a further follow up excision to remove a safety margin of skin all around the original excision area is all the treatment they'll need.

    Do come back and let us know how it goes next week and I'm sure you'll find it's not as bad as you're imagining.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember

    Hi Traceygirl, I've had 4 moles removed now. Mine have all been on my back and I'm waiting for further tests called a wide local excision. 3 of these moles were totally harmless thank god and my specialist is incredibly good, so not all moles removed are bad ones. 

    I'd imagine you are worried not only about a diagnosis at this stage but also worrying about a scar if it's on your face.

    The person that removes the mole is a plastic surgeon and believe me they do an amazing job, after a while the scar heals and you will hardly notice it.

    Regarding your mental health, nothing at all can prepare you for the next few weeks, you will have melt downs and lows waiting for results but there's so much help here in these forums and also on the website, also your specialist that you are referred to will be able to answer every question you can possibly think of.

    Take each step as it comes and remember there's a really really good chance its a harmless mole. My moles looked so suspicious but three turned out to be harmless, the point is that a special lens (dermoscope) or a cancer nurse cannot confirm by eye that its cancer but can arrange a biopsy for good measure 

    Remember there are a lot of people here to help even at your darkest hour, reading through posts on here has got me through the last 3 months, some people on here have gone though a million times worse than I have.

    Best advice is, do not Google anything,most of it is outdated or not relevant to NHS treatment. And don't overload yourself with information, at the moment you are cancer free so no need to read about anything other than the mole removal procedure. 

    Stay calm, life throws lots of stuff at us, it makes us stronger. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook

    Thank you for your reply. It's getting really close now and I can feel my heart quicken and pound every time I think of the removal.  I've been trying my best not to think about it as I will be in floods of tears. 

    I've had a rough 6 months as my dad had a massive stroke in June and it's left him unable to do anything for himself, he can't swallow and is peg fed, he is double incontinent and can't communicate. My mum has to pay for his £950 a week care and she's 73 and is getting confused. I'm also a full time carer for my partner who also is in constant pain, so life right now is unbearable and this mole removal has just topped my woes off. 

    I can't sleep and just want it to be over. Thank you for your words of support, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. 


    Traceysgirl xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Paoloespana

    Thank you for your support and encouragement. I go to have it removed this Thursday and my anxiety is through the roof. I don't know if I'm more scared of the removal or the outcome. I'm having the complete mole removed as they think it is a waste of time just doing a biopsy and strongly recommend the removal. Other than my partner and 2 friends, I've not told anyone. I have 5 boys (well 4 are over 21 & one is 13) and my mum (my dad is in a nursing home and doesn't un anyone), I can't bring myself to say anything, so I'm going to tell them once it's been removed. I'm dreading it all.

    I'll let you all know after the procedure, how I'm feeling.... Gulp

    Thank you so much again 

    Traceysgirl xx

  • Hi

    Oh it does sound like you've had a rough time recently Disappointed so I can see that having this mole removed is just adding to your stress levels.

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi traceysgirl

    I had a mole removed from my jawline at the beginning of November - the procedure took 40 mins tops! I had no discomfort or pain and didn’t need pain relief afterwards! I have taken pictures of my before and after if you would like me to share? My scar has healed really well! 

    I totally understand your anxiety! You feel that you’re the only person going through this journey but you’re not in your own! I have found great comfort in this site talking to people who have been through or currently going through exactly what you are! I realise you are a carer but you also need to look after yourself! Do exactly as your nurse advises! Ask for help with caring for your family! 

    Keep your chin up and stay strong! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Shirlmo

    Thank you so much for your support and answering my post. I've had the procedure done now and I'm at home. I had an anxiety attack and couldn't stop crying just before I went in and during the procedure....and afterwards! I had 4 numbing needles and its gone. I've only got a little plaster and steri strips. I was expecting a big pad on the side of my face, so I'm pleased with the outcome. I get my results in 2/3 weeks and I'm dreading them. 

    So far I've not got any pain on my face (had it done about 3 hours ago) but my Fibromyalgia has flared with the stress and I'm sore all over, I can't win Confused. I've been really petrified as I've never had any sort of operation before and didn't know what to expect, which is probably why my anxiety kicked off. 

    Was yrs a removal, biopsy or removal with skin graft? If you don't mind me asking. Thank you for offering to share your photos I'd really appreciate it. 

    Thanks again to everyone on here who has gone out of their way to support me, I can't tell you how much of a comfort it's been. 

    Traceysgirl xx

  • Hi 

    I'm glad to hear that you're back home and pleased with the outcome. 

    I'll be keeping everything crossed that your mole turns out to be benign. 

    When I had mine removed from my arm I found it was sore rather than painful and didn't need to take any painkillers. Sorry to hear that your Fibromyalgia has flared up though.

    Unfortunately the Community guidelines don't allow the sharing of medical photos as some people find them upsetting. 

    Do come back and let us know when you get your results Traceysgirl. 


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi traceysgirl

    how are you feeling today?