Melanoma PET/CT scan

  • 3 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi my name is Rob, this is my first time posting on here.

I was diagnosed with melanoma on my lower back in July since then I've had wle a ct scan  and 2 biopsies on groin lymph nodes second one was 4 weeks ago and waiting on results for that just now but just recived a leter for a  full body PET/CT scan  for Monday.

Dose this mean they have found something in the lymph node or is this just what happens as it hasn't been mentioned before 

  • Hi Rob, welcome.

    I would press for the results of the biopsy (they get them 10-14 days after biopsy is taken I am reliably informed by the Macmillan nurse on the helpline in here) so they are there somewhere and someone should be telling you what's going on so you don't have to be worrying if it's just a precaution.

    Do you have a Melanoma Nurse Specialist? If not, ring the Melanoma department and/or get the phone number of the secretary of the doctor you are under and ask them for the biopsy results and what the PET/CT is for. It might be just to rule it out. Sadly we have had to push to get information at every juncture.

    My husband has melanoma metastises of the lung. The original lesions were picked up on an MRI he was having for his liver then he had a CT scan of lungs which indicated that it might be cancer that had spread from skin but he was sent for PET/CT looking to see if it was cancer there, elsewhere and how active it looked.


  • Hi thanks for that  that's been very helpful

    No i don't have a specialist nurse but i managed to get hold of the consultant today and lymph nodes are positive  that's why the pet/ct scan was booked . I have an appointment next week to discuss the findings of that 

    I feel better that I know what's going on now even though  it's not what I wanted to hear

  • I absolutely understand. We need to know and not knowing creates more stress.
    Take care