Open wound healing

  • 2 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Had my appt with plastic surgeon today to discuss WLE on the inside of my lower leg. I went along expecting to be told about skin graft or flap but he said he would be doing it by putting a couple of stitches each end of wound but leaving the rest open to heal from inside. Hospital or GP visits twice a week for dressing change and it will take quite a while to heal. Should be getting it done within a month. It’s thrown me a bit to be honest because on the plus side only one wound and scar but can’t say I like the idea of an open wound and it taking longer to recover. My daughter goes back to work after her maternity leave in August and I’m supposed to be babysitting my grandson 2 days a week but the dr this morning I won’t be able to and for them to have a plan B. I keep telling myself I know this has to be done but dreading it and the recovery

Has anyone else had their WLE done this way ? X

  • Hi  

    When a wound is left open it's called 'healing by secondary intention' and quite a few people in this group have had this over the years, although not me.

    Hopefully one of them will pop on in the next few days to share their experiences with you.


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  • Thanks for replying. I’m hoping to hear people’s experience as this doesn’t seem to be mentioned in information that I have read about WLE. It’s mainly skin grafts