WLE procedure

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I have my WLE procedure tomorrow and naturally I’m feeling a little nervous! It’ll be done under local anaesthetic. Can anyone tell me what to expect on the day, roughly how long the procedure takes and how long their recovery took? 

  • Hi  

    I hope the WLE went well and you're not in too much discomfort.

    I hadn't replied to you before as mine was done under a GA at the same time as a SLNB, so not the same experience.

    I took paracetamol and ibuprofen at the suggested intervals for the first couple of days as explained to me by the hospital nurse. After that I was okay, with just soreness in the wound areas. 

    When I went to get my results two weeks later everything felt fine, although it did take about a year before full feeling returned to the WLE site.

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  • Hi Latchbrook, thank you for your response. The procedure is done and wasn’t half as bad as what I expected, very similar to the first time just a bit bigger. It’s tender now and stings from time to time now but it’s not terrible. The waiting was worse than the procedure itself. The team were great and put my mind at ease straight away. I’ll be taking it easy for a couple of weeks now and should receive my results in a few weeks time. I had clear margins the last time so hoping everything comes back clear this time too.