Feeling forgotten waiting for test results

  • 3 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I was diagnosed in February with nodule melanoma and then after ct scan showed enlarged lymph nodes had them biopsy using ultrasound. This was on the 15 th of march. I was told the results would take about 2 weeks but maybe a bit longer because of the bank holidays. I still have not heard anything and it is worrying as do not know what is happening or what treatment I might be having. I tried ringing but the number for the cancer nurse says it is not in use at the moment and I have never met the cancer nurse. I did e mail them and got a call back and all I got told is there is some results in not sure if they are complete and let the doctor know I called. I have no more information and this is what is worrying as not sure what is happening. I also am getting told by other people I need to be push more to get the results which is not something I find easy and not even sure where I get the results from. I also worry that maybe they sent me to another hospital which does not use the nhs app for appointments and I miss it because of delayed post. 

  • Hello, I read your recent post and also your blog to see who you have actually saw in person. I would contact the dermatologist, they might be able to tell you who the best person is to contact. You probably will have to contact a few folk before you reach the right person who can help.

    I identify the not being pushy part, but once you get answers you will feel so much better, good luck xx

  • Yes this is a difficult one especially when you struggle to be assertive. I can relate to this. However, i would also advise that you must be you  own advocate as sometimes things do slip, get overlooked etc.  Be super polite at all times. Keep meticulous notes  of all communications - dates, who you spoke to, what was said etc. You always have the option of speaking to PALS not as a complaint as such, more of a "I'm extremely anxious and would appreviate any help you can offer". 

  • Update today the larger hospital phoned to arrange an outpatient appointment with the surgeons which was going to be tomorrow. They then cancelled it saying I needed a PET scan first. Then the doctor phoned and said the biopsy results did not show anything but they cannot definitely rule out cancer because the nodes were big on the scan and that is why they want the PET scan which will be a private company as hospital does not have its own