Pancreatitis and possible gallstones

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers

My Dad has just had a scan and he has been told that he has Pancreatitis and possibly gallstones. Has anyone had this as a result from immunotherapy? They are starting him on antibiotics. 

  • Hello   I have just seen your post and am so sorry you have not had any replies. I can't answer your question myself as I have a different cancer, however, by me replying your post will be "bumped" back to the top of the forum. I hope then it will be seen by community members who are able to give you some answers. 

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that since starting immunotherapy your dad has been diagnosed with pancreatitis and possibly gallstones as well.

    I didn't have immunotherapy but there are lots in the group that have so hopefully one of them will pop on soon if they're experienced similar side effects to your dad.

    It might also help in getting replies if you could let us know the name of the immunotherapy that your dad is on.

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