Help in understanding diagnosis

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  • 49 subscribers

Hello all. So I had been told my Breslow score was 4 with a 7mm depth. Waiting Wider incision and Sentanal lymph node biopsy. Spoke to plastics today who advised I do not need a lymph node biopsy as I have micro satellite lesions and he can also do WLE with local and not under general. I also have the Braff mutation. Is this good news??? I’m confused…. What does micro satellite mean? 

  • I had microsatellite when I was diagnosed. It means there's some small spread next to the main melanoma, but it's micro and will likely be removed when they do the WLE. 

    And having the BRAF mutation means drugs like Dabrafenib  and Trametinib might be an option for you as they require you to have the BRAF mutation to do their work. Same as I had also.

    Hope this helps a bit.