
  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi I have stage 2 melanoma. It appears to have been completely removed with surgery and has not spread. I've been offered immunotherapy of pembrolizumab. I'm uncertain about the effects of this drug. Will I feel really unwell or will I feel moderately ok? I'm fit and healthy with no other health conditions. I don't know what to do. Can anyone offer me their experiences good or not so great.

  • Hi Bobbins23,

    I completed the 1 year Pembro immunotherapy regimen with very few side effects. Mild colitis and itchy skin were my main concerns. Both irritating but in no way debilitating. I understand that others have not been so fortunate and there seems to be dome variance from case to case. 

    As you can read in my profile, I began treatment as a Stage 3 and I am now almost 3 years removed from treatment and cancer-free as per my oncologist. I am certainly justifiably biased, but I am a huge proponent of the immunotherapy treatment.

    I wish you the best of luck with however you choose to proceed.

    All the best,


  • Hi Dave, thank you for taking the time to reply to me, it means a great deal. Congratulations on your progress, I'm very happy for you. I will certainly take your positive comments on board. 

    All the very best to you too!