Six operations on

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Hi all this is sue 58,not been on for a while, still having operations on my right shin, where I have my unrepeatable stage lll melanoma with multiple in transit metastases. So far this year I have had six operations since August 2022,my last one was in September, but has soon that I have my operation my tumours grow back. I have had immunotherapy 6 times and ECT 3 times,but at the moment it's not working. But I am staying positive and I am not letting this cancer win. So anyone that's starting their treatment, try and keep positive  and try not for the cancer  to win. Take care every one 

  • Hi Sue58, I'm sorry to hear that you have had to endure so much with this hideous disease.  But thank you for sharing your upbeat  attitude. My husband has recently been diagnosed with 1a melanoma, which I felt, 'ok' with, as it's early stages. However, upon diagnose they noticed his lymph nodes nearest cancer site are enlarged, this has now been confirmed by scan so he has a biopsy booked for next week. I'm convinced the cancer has already spread as I can't reason why his lymph nodes in that area (armpit) would be up. I find the worry and anxiety consuming. Hearing your positive approach really helps focus on turning that nervous energy into determination to fight this,  thank you.