What do you say after a melanoma has been removed?

  • 11 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi all. Just wondering what people say after a melanoma is removed… so you say “I had cancer”, “I’m recovering from..”, “I’m getting treated for…”.  

I had a stage 1B removed a few weeks ago and waiting for WLE.  

many thanks.  

  • Hi!

    I'm the same as you.  I had a stage 1B removed from my ankle on 12 September and got my biopsy results 10 days ago and am awaiting an appointment with a consultant to book in SLNB & WLE.  Are you having an SLNB or just the WLE.  I say 'just' when even that doesn't sound especially pleasant.

    Currently what I say depends on who I'm talking to, how I'm feeling and how much attention I want!  Generally I say I had a Melanoma removed and if asked will give more detail ie say stage 1B so they can work out how serious for themselves.  If I really want to play it down I say I had a mole removed and if I'm feeling really down and don't feel people are giving me enough sympathy then I use the cancer card! 

  • Thank you for asking this question, I've struggled with it too as I found out it was cancer but that it had been removed from the original excision on the same day. Saying I had cancer feels wrong because I didn't know it at the time and when I knew it, it was gone. I agree with Fifitrix1 what I say depends on who I'm talking to!

    What I also find hard is the importance of making people aware that it's not just a little scar/excision and "just" skin cancer as most people seem to think its a "normal" thing to get but also not scaring them so much that they don't want to get checked if they are worried about a mole etc. 

  • I can SO relate to your comment about 'just' skin cancer.  I've found it so curious that some people absolutely flip at the word cancer, while others think skin cancer is totally localised and therefore can't spread or isn't significant.  

  • I got the diagnosis 4 days ago… and funnily enough I’ve been thinking the same thoughts about myself… almost feeling guilty sometimes because the cancer is no longer there (locally at least) and therefore it’s stupid and almost fraudulent to say I have / had cancer.  Especially as its “only” stage 1. 

    What’s comforting though is being able to ask such questions and to be able to have conversations with others.  

  • Hi PaulF23,

    I have gone thru my journey with the words “living with” I’ve found this as a positive rather than being negative. Unfortunately I have stage 4 so a bit further down the line but a positive mind helps no end. My profile has more details. We refuse to say “I’m dying of” in this house. 
    my wife and I have embraced my situation and living to our needs and being happy. I find it’s others who want to bring it down with negativity vibes and being downhearted to us. I like a laugh and a good chat and I’ve had people comment on how can I be like it when I am suffering! Easy. I am being strong for me and my wife. It is what it is. Embrace it. 
    I hope you find some positivity and can find a solution to your dilemma. 

  • Thank you for telling your story.  I love positivity too xx

  • Had my results today, was not expecting anything, so it was a complete bombshell when dermatologist said that I had Stage 1b Cancer.  She offered me a WLE and an SLNB  Have been googling these and am so full of information now.  Dermatologist is going to ring surgeon and he should get back to me within three days, if he doesnt then I have to ring him!  Just feeling so out of it all, like it is not happening to me!  Only got married 9 months ago, second marriage for both of us and we were so happy this morning.  Supposed to be going out to dinner with friends tonight, but have cancelled this as I dont feel really in the mood for celebrating!  My husband is doing the best he can, but he lost his first wife to cancer 5 years ago, so it just brings back memories!  I am so scared.  Just like PaulF23, what do you say to people, still have to have WLE done, so I am waiting for cancer to be removed, not sure if I am going to have SLNB done as all this will do is to tell them what I have at that moment in time, not a diagnostic tool?

  • That sounds really tough.  I'm sorry to hear your news and it must be really triggering for your husband too.  I was diagnosed with Stage 1B too.  My consultant said he's not worried.  Lucky him! I've been told I'm having a SLNB & WLE rather than 'offered'.  My thoughts with the SLNB is that I can then be doubly sure that it's not spread anywhere else?  But others may be able to advise you better.  

    Also I understand the need to cancel things and just process.  I've definitely felt like that in the last few weeks. it is all very shocking.

  • I was exactly the same, I said them things and thought them..I was told it was stage 1b, but told it's good as it's been caught early. So have I got cancer? I was told it's been removed....ok then said about have WLE and the SLNB being told that's it's very unlikely it will have spread because its been caught early, well I had this done 10wks ago now and it came back that it had spread to the nearest lymph nodes....so now what does that mean yet again I'm being told it's been removed....it changes the staging, so again I asked so I'm now cancer free I was told by the nurse we feel the main causes of cancer have been removed, so I said that means I haven't got it...she said that can't be certain that there aren't any cells left floating about my body, that's how she said it, I've had a CT scan, I'm due to have another CT scan and an MRI scan, I pretty scared if I'm truly honest I don't really know what to think...I have an appointment with the consultant in a couple of week so hopefully I can get a better understanding of it all. As it's been letters for appointments about this and that and phones calls.

    I just don't know what to say to people, as I don't know how I feel myself....

    Just waiting to the consultant so I can get a clearer head

    Be kind to yourself