Results finally in - all okay

  • 5 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all

After 6 long weeks my results are in - 2 benign moles. 

I feel a bit cross as the consultant was so sure they were melanoma - but I should have listened to you all here who told me he couldn’t know for certain without the biopsy results!

I feel guiltily mentally exhausted by it all (I’ve also had uterine polyps removed just before my moles in June this year so I’ve spent too long waiting for biopsy results which were all okay!)

I have one final ‘google’ induced question though!! According to google a punch biopsy isn’t that reliable for a melanoma diagnosis, thus is what the nurse who removed my moles did - although the consultant said  they would do an eye shaped excision (he even drew the shape for me!). Sorry to ask but should I be still be worried about this?!) see google is terrible for making people worried but my consultant was v sure the were melanoma before they were removed!

I just want to say thank you to everyone for responding to my concerns and I hope everything turns out well for you all xxx

  • Hi Birthday01,

    Great news that both your moles have come back as benign!

    Having uterine polyps removed isn't pleasant so I can understand you're mentally exhausted by everything you've been going through recently. (I also had a polyp removed this summer.)

    Why don't you give the Macmillan nurses a call on the helpline to discuss your fear about the punch biopsy?

    Not sure what you have read on google, but the nurses would be able to explain this to you. I can't.

    If you speak to the nurses then you can raise any concerns about that stinging sensation you had. Or, has that settled now? 

    Take care. x

  • Thank you so much - excellent idea, I will call tomorrow. 

    one is still stinging deep down as it was before removal Slight frown

    thank you, I hope you have a lovely Sunday xx

  • Thank you Birthday01. Sorry to hear your mole is still stinging. That's rough.

    I hope you have a lovely Sunday too. xx

  • That's absolutely fantastic news  ! I hope you're going to have a little celebration Champagne

    Like Rosalinda, I don't know if a punch biopsy is any less effective than a excision biopsy so speaking to the nurses on the Macmillan Support Line is a great idea. Unless you've got something on today, why don't you phone them now to put your mind at rest. The number is 0808 808 0000 and they're available until 8pm.


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  • Thank you for the number, I didn’t realise they were open at the weekend!

    V relieved (despite a little niggle) and may have had a few pink bubbles last night Champagne glassBlush

    thank you for all of your support xx