Updated profile

  • 1 reply
  • 49 subscribers

Hi all – I just up-dated my profile. I thought if I didn't do this then people might be confused about all my excisions. But, there is a depressing fact in there and I want to make clear that is likely not melanoma – my sibling had all his pre-cancerous moles removed privately. I am also a member of the lung cancer forum, but am not posting anything until the biopsy results come through. If a moderator feels I should remove my comment please let me know. However, it is how I feel and I am very badly affected right now and have hidden this away in my profile. Please can a moderator edit it if necessary as I understand that this is a supportive forum. Thank you. 

  • Hi  

    Thanks very much for taking the time to update your profile. Having an up to date profile helps anyone responding to you to know the full story if they're not sure about something you've put in your post and it also means you don't have to keep repeating yourself. Most people in this group, and the other ones I look after, will know that I do 'bang on' about updating profiles, lol.

    I was very sorry to read about your brother and I can see what an anxious time this must be for you. If you want to take a break from the community no one would blame you in the circumstances. However, if you feel happy to continue contributing that would be great too Slight smile

    Do remember that if you feel like talking to someone, the Macmillan Support Line is staffed by a great group of people who can offer advice or just a listening ear. If you do want to chat to them they're available every day of the year from 8am to 8pm on free phone 0808 808 0000.


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