Slnb and wle results wait time

  • 4 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi has anyone  on here waited 7 weeks for wle and slnb results. My melanoma was 2mm and I think its nodular. Which is classed medium to high risk of spreading. Is long wait mean good results as if it was that bad surely they should have contacted me by now. I ask scns nurse said I would get appointment  in next 2 weeks now nearly 2 weeks. Do they get forgotten about.

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to see that you're still waiting for your results and that you haven't received the appointment you were told would be with you within 2 weeks. I think now might be the time to speak to your SCNS again and remind her that you're still waiting to hear/get an appointment.

    Unfortunately, the length of time that it takes for you to get your results has no bearing on whether your results are good or bad. Rather it depends on how busy the pathology laboratories are in your area of the country and how quickly your consultant reviews them when they are received back at the hospital.


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  • Hi im going to ring next week if I hear nothing could be something to do with consultant strikes this week.

  • Yes the strikes must be having an impact on how quickly people are getting their results.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks again you are most helpful. Waiting is  the worse but what ever it is I know there is a lot of treatment.