Targeted Treatment advuce

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  • 48 subscribers

I was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma after a WLE and SLNB at the end of May 2023. 

I was advised to commence targeted Treatment as a preventative, started it on 5th of September and on days 2-4 side effects such as painful legs, sharp pains in the head, no appetite and tiredness. On Day 5, I was really cold despite the warm temperatures. I lay down and slept for 3 hours and it was the heat of my hands that woke me up. 

This was a strange sensation, got up, nose running and eyes streaming and was still hot. Took my temperature, it was 39.1, rung helpline and advised to go straight to A&E to get bloods checked. 

Got bloods checked, 1st batch carried out were borderline but the Dr said given my medical history couldn't send me home incase an infection was working in me. Put me on antibiotics through a line, took 4 hours for that. Second batch of bloods indicated an infection and we're concerned about sepsis given my neurophyll level was 1.9. At this stage temperature was still high and I had bouts of shivering. 

I was admitted to a ward on Sunday evening and soon realise that the shivering was an indicator of temperature going to spike. I was advised to let nurses know and they treated me accordingly with paracetamol for temp and antibiotics for infection. My potassium levels were low too. 

Took to Wednesday to get the temperature normal and then I was discharged. I was advised on Saturday (1st day in A&E) not to take my medication, that someone would contact me, I'm still waiting. 

In the meantime I received an appointment for a Echocardiogram for 2nd October. I've an appointment for Thursday this week, to go to my monthly appointment for what should be round 2 of medication. 

I'm so conflicted at this stage about targeted Treatment and confused. I understand and was advised there would be side effects but what I experienced was horrendous at at one point was so low wished death on myself. 

I know it's early days and acknowledge it will take time for medication to settle. I'm assuming the dosage will be altered. 

My concern is that it's 15% success rate and tfstvit may possibly cause another cancer. So confused, any advice and experience of targeted Treatment for stage 3 would be most appreciated. 

Ps. Sorry for the essay, but I feel so alone in this and at a loss as to what to do. 

Many thanks 


  • Hi Nic46

    My partner was given targeted therapy Dab and Tram 2 years ago. For almost 3 months the treatment worked reducing 1 tumour and killing off the other 2. He then started with side effects of high temperature, shivering, infection, had his treatment reduced, stopped, started and several A& E admissions.

    He was then changed to a different targeted therapy enco and bini, which after an initial reduction in dose he has tolerated for 13 months now. There are still side effects of fatigue, aches and pains, but he has been able to have some quality of life back, travel etc  and no further hospital admissions.

    If you read my profile you can follow his journey in more detail.

    Hope this helps.
