A bloke and his 2 moles.

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  • 49 subscribers

Hi. First time poster.  Hope this is in the right section. - feel a bit of a fraud as I've not had any diagnosis as yet! 

So - being a bloke, I've pretty much ignored sun warnings etc over the years and not really paid much attention to moles etc. I'm now pushing 50 and I'm booked in for a couple of excisions on Friday. 

They are to remove two moles/freckle things which both seem to tick all the melanoma warning signs. 

One on my lower calf which is pretty recent - last 3/4 months or so - which I went to the docs with.  The other on my chest which was flagged up by the dermatologist consultant on Monday. 

The one on my chest I'd never really considered - it has definitely got darker over the years but I (maybe naively) thought it would grow or 'do something' if it was dodgy.  

Anyway.  Just wondered about a) whether its usual to have 2 possible sites that far apart.. and b) how long people have had these things before getting them checked out - is it more likely to be benign if it's been there 4 years or so?  

Has anybody else had a similar experience? 

Appreciate any advice. 

My mum passed away around 7 years ago now with CLL.  It all happened very quickly from diagnosis - around 7 months.  She went through it laughing all the way.  I plan on doing the same if it comes back as anything untoward. 

  • Hi  

    I have, at least according to my GP rather more moles than average but - to date - nothing that has given cause to worry. I did have something on the top of head that my wife got a bit worried about but it turned out just to be a wart - and the GP zapped it there and then with the cryo-gun.

    There is a host of information on our main site - signs and symptoms - that might help answer some of your questions. Hopefully your moles are benign.

    Sorry to hear about your mum though, of course a very different form of cancer to this. I often see people with cancer living life to the full when they can - and perhaps that is something we could all get better at.



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