Waiting times

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  • 54 subscribers


Just wondering how long people waited for biopsy/shave biopsy results? It's been a week now, and my thinking is if it's anything nasty you'd hear with in the first week, so I'm ready to move on. Too soon? 

  • Hi  

    Unfortunately biopsy results can take anywhere between 2-8 weeks to come back with most people reporting that they get their results at about 4 weeks.

    When you had the biopsy the surgeon, or the nurse who was in attendance, should have given you an idea of how long results are currently taking to come back in your area of the country along with a contact number to ring if the results are not back in that timescale.

    I hope you don't have too long to wait but I think 1 week is way too optimistic.

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  • Hi Latchbrook, 

    I think way too optimistic! Grimacing I just want it to be over. I've got two lumps to be scanned and so I've decided this one is fine. 

    I've got an appointment for results in October, I was just thinking if the results were urgent it would be before then, and if I'd not heard in a week, well, then I'd be fine. Think deluded is getting me though. 

    I've been doing some painting, too. And that's helped. Thanks for pointing me to creativity. 

  • I would imagine that the date you have your appointment for in October is the date they're expecting your results back. That was certainly the case for me.

    Glad to hear you've got into painting. Is this something new or something you've always dabbled in?

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Was that for your melanoma? I've read so much that it can spread in a matter of weeks I was thinking for that it would be more speedy. But I also know everything is so backlogged right now. 

    I actually painted a bit of a room. I've been so ill for a while that I couldn't even lift a brush... so it felt really good to be able to do a bit. It knocked me out for two days, but made me happy, and as though I'd achieved something! 

  • Yes, that was for my melanoma.

    Sorry to read that you've been ill recently. Try and take it easy as the recent stress from having the biopsy will probably make you feel tired as well.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks for telling me that. I think I've read too many horror stories. I stopped googling after the biopsy. I also meant to say, I know services are so overrun so I'm not impatient, just hoping less-urgent news is good news. 

    Thank you. I have overdone it. My biopsy is feeling a little sore tonight. Have run out of bandages - the one I have on is the last - so I'll see how it feels/looks tomo and possibly get it checked. 

    Have a nice eve. Slight smile 

  • Hi Luffy

    My biopsy was undertaken at the beginning of July, and I didn’t get my results until the end of August. A total of 7 long weeks! Luckily for me my results were benign. However, the mind is a powerful thing, and during that time I made myself feel very ill with worry. I was even imagining pain from the mole, which turned out to be all in my imagination! There is no easy way of getting through the wait, but I found trying to keep to a routine helped. I am hoping for benign results for you too. Take care and sending you a hug. x

  • Hi Ellblanche, 

    Thanks for your reply. Really glad yours was benign. 

    It's helpful to know it's really usual for it to take some weeks. Seven weeks is a long time, I do feel for you but glad it was good in the end. 

    I've kind of put it to the back of my mind (ish), though I am feeling beat. Maybe half my mind. Relaxed️  

    RelaxedI️ve got a lot of other hospital stuff to get on with, so that keeps me focused. Would love it all to be done with but at least I'm not overly focused on this - I think? 

    Hope you're doing well. 

  • I didn't mean to be so smiley. Not sure if you can edit responses, but I double-pressed. 

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